Volume 7, Issue 3 Fall 2002
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ISSN 1521-2300
Write for Kairos



Jennifer Bowie and Colleen Reilly, Editors

Introducing Praxis: A New Name and Focus for K-Interactive

Colleen A. Reilly
Colleen Reilly explains our decision to change the name of K-Interactive to Praxis.


Techne + Praxis

Administering Teacher Technology Training

Teena A. M. Carnegie, Amy C. Kimme Hea, Melinda Turnley, and David Menchaca
"The collection of materials included here are designed to assist those, who for the first time, find themselves administering and developing an ongoing program for training teachers to use technology in the composition classroom. We have assumed that to create critical and ethical approaches to teacher technology training, developers will work collaboratively with various stakeholders to ensure that pedagogical and technological goals are clearly defined, responsive, and shared."

Building a Better Mousetrap: Essays in Moospace

Janice McIntire-Strasburg
"The traditional research essay has long been the method of choice for students to demonstrate their critical thinking skills in post-secondary courses. This essay suggests that a MOO essay can accomplish this same end--by moving students away from the traditional essay, and allowing them to think outside of the typical research essay format."

Teaching a Visual Rhetoric

Caryn Talty
"I hope this e-portfolio clearly illustrates the need within our community to apply a solid e-space theory in freshman English composition, one that clearly defines our collaborative goal in regards to visual rhetoric. As a community we must merge our traditional curriculum with the concepts currently used in the electronic marketplace. . . . I believe electronic media should be viewed as a tool rather than a distraction; it should incorporate academic literacy with visual and hypertextual literacy, creating a new genre of composition studies."

Reflective Pedagogies: Conflicting Stories from the Computer Labs

Jodi S. Cook, Hallie S. Lemon, Diana Gabbert, and Kathleen O'Donnell-Brown
"As writing instructors, we teach in classrooms paired with computer labs and often discuss issues such as those included in this hypertext. At Western Illinois University we alternate days between a traditional classroom and a computer lab. We wondered what is gained and lost as we move from the more traditional classroom into the computer lab? Which pedagogies work and which don't?"

Call for Contributions

Have an exciting class this term? Conducting  interesting research you'd like to share? Working on an interesting project? Have a reflection, response, or idea concerning the webbed writing classroom? Interested in talking with Kairos authors?  Praxis is the section for you!  Contact Praxis Editors Jennifer Bowie and Colleen Reilly ( praxis@cfcc.net ) to talk more about the possibilities.
