Examples of the Process
Student-Tutor Conferences: Amanda | Flipper
Student-Teacher Conferences: Chris | Anne | Mindy
Peer Conferences: Janet | APRIL | Cathy
Discussion of the Annotated MOO Logs

April's Post-Conference Reflection

Back to April's Annotated Log

We conducted our oreo conferences on the MOO instead of face-to-face. There were three people in my group who communicated with each other on the MOO. Although it was fun to do our oreo conference this way, I felt like I didn't get as much out of it. We weren't able to get as much work done because it takes more time to type than it does to just talk to each other. We cactually communicated by talking to each other some while we were typing on the computer. After we had our oreo conference, we were given logs from the conference. This could have been an advantage to having an oreo conference this way, but since no one in my group had much to say about my paper, it really wasn't beneficial to me.