Critical Responses | Informative Summaries | Works Cited
Informative Summaries
This text is organized into three parts: Literacy, culture and difference on the Web; Literacy, diversity, and identity on the Web; and Literacy, conflict, and hybridity on the Web. And the chapters are about Hungary, Greece, Australia, Palau, Norway, Japan, Scotland, Mexico, Cuba, and South Africa. Because of their significance to the text, I have also provided a brief definition of the global village narrative and of postmodern identities on the Web: reflective discussions of these themes are also available in the critical section of this review. I have also summarized Hawisher and Selfe's introduction and conclusion.
The intention of this section of my review is report on the main ideas and significant content of the chapters and to present that material as faithfully to the original style as possible. As such, these summaries rely heavily on the authors' own words and on presenting the content concisely.