Critical Responses | Informative Summaries | Works Cited
Literacy, Diversity, and Identity on the Web
“The second part [. . .] includes four chapters that explore the complex ways in which groups of people from different nations, cultures, and ethnicities have come to constitute complex, online identities through their literacy practices on the Web, and have, in turn, been constituted by these electronic spaces” (Hawisher and Selfe 12).
- Complicating the Tourist Gaze: Literacy and the Internet as Catalysts for Articulating a Postcolonial Palauan Identity" (Karla Saari Kitalong and Tino Kitalong)
- "Norwegian Accords: Shaping Peace, Education, and Gender on the Web" (Jan Rune Holmevik and Cynthia Haynes)
- "Multiple Literacies and Multimedia: A Comparison of Japanese and American Uses of the Internet" (Taku Sugimoto and James A. Levin)
- "Reading Sideways, Backwards, and Across: Scottish and American Literacy Practices and Weaving the Web" (Sarah Sloane and Jason Johnstone)