Critical Responses | Informative Summaries | Works Cited
Literacy, Conflict, and Hybridity on the Web
“The final major section [. . .] includes three chapters that focus on the ways in which cultural, political, and economic values are contested through and within literacy practices on the Web. [. . .] The differential power exercises within [the] digital landscape the tendential force of multinational capitalism and the related effects of poverty, the continuing operation of colonial and racist values, the export of western perspectives and language ensures that differences based on socioeconomic status, color, and power are maintained, exacerbated, and reproduced, rather than eliminated. In these chapters, literacy values and practices and the cultural, national, and personal identities that these values and practices help constitute are revealed as contested sites, sites of social struggle and change” (Hawisher and Selfe 13).
- "Web Literacies of the Already Accessed and Technically Inclined: Schooling in Monterrey, Mexico" (Susan Romano, Barbara Field, and Elizabeth W. de Huergo)
- " Electronic Literacy, Resistance, and Postrevolutionary Cuba" (Laura Sullivan and Victor Fernandez)
- "'Flippin’ the Script' / 'Blowin’ up the Spot': Puttin’ Hip-Hop Online in (African) America and South Africa" (Elaine Richardson and Sean Lewis)