K A I R O SA Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments
Volume 5, Issue 1 Spring 2000
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ISSN 1521-2300
Sponsored By: The Alliance for computers and WritingCall for Hypertexts


Computers and Writing 2000
Computers and Writing

Response, Replies, and Commentary

Jennifer Bowie, Response Editor
Adam Banks, Editorial Assistant



Kairos@Kairos: An Interactive Forum

with Dennis Jerz, the Kairos Staff, the Kairos Editorial Board, and you!

Join Jerz and members of the Kairos editorial team to discuss issues in web publishing and document design.  You're invited to contribute in several three different ways: formal responses, threaded asynchronous discussion, and themed MOO discussions. 

Kairos Meet The Authors

KMTA is an interactive series featuring the authors of Kairos webtexts hosted and coordinated in association with the journal's electronic partner, LinguaMOO.

Lawrence J. Clark, author of "Hyper-What?: Some Views on Reader Discomfiture with Hypertext Fiction" (CoverWeb, Kairos 4.1) joined us for a discussion on hypertext and the issues of closure, non-linearity, navigation, and putting all these considerations to practice.

Eric Johnson, author of "the 10,000-word question: using images on the world-wide web" explores, among other things:

  • usability's peculiar silence on the matter of images
  • with a few positive pertinent illustrations
  • why pictures of text come up short


 Classroom Spotlights

Interactive Oz

Elizabeth Pass
"The two students who designed the Interactive Oz, Elliot Burres and Shabnam Gideon, are from my undergraduate Advanced Hypertext Theory and Web Design class. They decided to work together because they saw where they could learn from one another--one student was more skilled at HTML and one student was more skilled at writing. By combining their skills they learned from one another and were able to create a more complete project."

Research Spotlight Preview

Margaret Martinez
"As learners move online and instructors are not always available, today's instructional designers need sophisticated ISD methodologies that recognize how different online learning relationships are from those that developed in instructor-led courses."

Call for Contributions

Have an exciting class this term?  Interested in talking with Kairos authors?  Response is the section for you!  Contact Response Editor Jennifer Bowie (jebowie@ttacs.ttu.edu) to talk more about the possibilities.
