Guide for Prospective AuthorsThis document is designed to be a comprehensive guide for prospective Kairos authors. We've created it in linear form so that it's easily printable -- we know that some of you would prefer to have a hard copy beside you as you work on your submission. The guide is organized by questions:
What are current publishing opportunities with Kairos? Each issue of Kairos features six sections: Features, CoverWeb, News, Reviews, K-Interactive, and Interviews. These sections have different approaches and different editorial policies, as follows:
What form and format can submissions be? Kairos publishes "webtexts," which means projects developed with specific attention to the World Wide Web as publishing medium. We do not suggest an ideal standard; rather we invite each author or collaborative writing team to think carefully about what unique opportunities the web offers. Some projects may best be presented in hypertextual form, others more linear, and in some instances multimedia and graphical architecture may be critical, while other projects may be less suited to such approaches. In the course of our editorial review process, you should expect editorial staff and editorial board members to analyze your choices carefully, so please be sure to think them through. At the same time we do not offer a standard form and format, we do want to provide examples. Visiting the following webtexts will give you a good idea about the range of forms and formats that Kairos has published:
Technical Considerations In terms of technical form and format, we do expect submissions to be composed for the web. That said, we cannot accept submissions in Word, WordPerfect, or other wordprocessing formats. We request HTML files. When developing webtexts, we encourage authors to use software that is specifically designed for the purpose of creating websites, such as Adobe GoLive, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Netscape Composer, and Microsoft FrontPage. Authors should not simply use the "Save as HTML" or "Save as "Website" option in word processing or presentation software; Microsoft Office 2000 (and above) products are particularly bad choices for developing websites and we will not accept submissions created in this manner. Images included in submissions should be either .jpg or .gif, and care should be take to properly size the image (using image editing software rather than simply specifying the size in the HTML image tag) and to make sure that the images will load quickly, even for relatively slow connections. Images included in webtexts should be original work, used with permission, or fall under fair use guidelines.
How do authors submit something? Submissions should be sent electronically to co-editors Douglas Eyman and James A. Inman (kairosed@technorhetoric.net) or to the appropriate section editor. Authors should provide a URL for their project or a zip file with all of its individual files, and they should also name two or three current editorial board members they believe best qualified to evaluate their work.
How does the editorial process work? The editorial process begins when co-editors Douglas Eyman and James A. Inman receive submissions. For the Features section, the Kairos editorial review process includes three distinct stages, or tiers.
This editorial process is one of the most unique aspects of publishing with Kairos. We believe it offers authors an exciting and unprecedented chance to work with editorial board members who are among the leading thinkers in the world about rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy. For all other journal sections, the editorial process includes review by editorial staff to determine the quality and appropriateness of the submission for publication in Kairos and then a thorough review by editorial board members assigned to the section. Please contact section editors to learn more.
What are your policies about use of copyrighted material? Authors submitting works to Kairos are responsible for securing and archiving any permissions or licensing pertaining to the use of copyrighted images or multimedia.
What are your policies about linking? Links policies include the following:
What are your policies about human subjects? Authors submitting work to Kairos are responsible for securing and archiving any human subjects permissions pertaining to their research.
Do authors retain copyright on materials published in Kairos What about reprint rights? Authors of accepted webtexts assign to Kairos the right to publish and distribute their work electronically, including publication on the web and on CD-ROM, and to archive and make it permanently retrievable electronically. Authors retain their copyright, however, so after their project has appeared in Kairos, they may republish their text in any manner they wish -- electronic or prin t-- as long as they clearly acknowledge Kairos as its original site of publication. Contributions that have already been published or are being considered for publication elsewhere are not eligible to be considered for publication in Kairos, unless a cross-publishing arrangement has previously been negotiated.
If you have any additional questions, please contact co-editors Douglas Eyman and James A. Inman at kairosed@technorhetoric.net.