Current Issue

Call for Reviews

Kairos, a refereed online journal exploring the intersections of rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy, is actively seeking reviews of technologies (social networking and research tools, learning platforms, etc.) and nonprint as well as print texts. Initial query emails should be sent to the Reviews Co-Editors Ashanka Kumari ( and Jonathan Marine ( The query should, in 250–300 words, include the title of the text or webtext under consideration, a brief explanation of why you believe you have the background knowledge to review this text, and a description of your initial ideas regarding your review webtext's design. A CV should also be attached.

We want to encourage reviewers to remember that Kairos reviews are innovative in form as well as content, and we promote alternative modes of reviewing texts, such as video or audio (e.g. podcasts, sonic rhetoric projects, interviews). For video reviews, authors are welcomed to mix together their own original filmed material with other audio, video, and still imagery elements to create a compelling and intriguing review. For audio reviews, reviewers are encouraged to compose podcast reviews. When considering multimodal elements to include, please consult Kairos's copyright policies, style guide, and technical specifications. Along with single-text reviews, the Reviews section also publishes review essays—usually lengthier, more in-depth analyses of multiple texts focused around a unifying idea. Queries for this type of review are also encouraged. Traditional reviews in the form of word documents are not a good fit for Kairos and instead should think about how the form of the review reinforces the content in both rhetoric and design.

Kairos also encourages the review of various technologies, pedagogical resources, or other digital tools and projects as they relate to issues of rhetoric, pedagogy, and technology. Such examples might include vvideo games, software, curations, archives, or other digital tools. These reviews should also offer explicit takeaways for Kairos audiences. Please reach out to the editors for any ideas you may have concerning an experimental review genre.

We are also seeking reviews of the following print and online texts:

  • NEW! Alexander, Kara Poe, Davis Matthew, Mina, Lillian W., & Shepherd, Ryan P. (Eds.). (2024). Multimodal composing and writing transfer. Utah State University Press.
  • Ames, Melissa, & McDuffie, Kristi. (Eds.). (2023). Hashtag activism interrogated and embodied: Case studies on social justice movements. Utah State University Press.
  • NEW! Applegarth, Risa. (2024). Just kids: Youth activism and rhetorical agency. The Ohio State University Press.
  • NEW! Arnold, Taylor, & Tilton, Lauren. (2023). Distant viewing: Computational exploration of digital images. The MIT Press
  • NEW! Baillot, Anne. (2023). From handwriting to footprinting: Text and heritage in the age of climate crisis. Open Book Publishers.
  • NEW! Bazerman, Charles. (2024). How I became the writer I became. University Press of Colorado and The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • NEW! Bernard-Donals, Michael. (2023). The vulnerability of public higher education. The Ohio State University Press.
  • Bleakney, Julia, Moore, Jessie L. & Rosinski, Paula. (Eds.). (2022). Writing beyond the university: Preparing lifelong learners and lifewide writing. Elon University Center for Engaged Learning.
  • NEW! Bloomfield, Emma Frances. (2024). Science v. story: Narrative strategies for science communicators. University of California Press.
  • NEW! Borgman, Jessie, & McArdle, Casey (Eds.). (2023). PARS in charge: Resources and strategies for online writing program leaders. The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • NEW! Buck, Amber M. (2023). Writing on the social network: Digital literacy practices in social media’s first decade. Utah State University Press.
  • NEW! Butts, Jimmy. (2023). Strangely rhetorical: Composing differently with novelty devices. Utah State University Press.
  • NEW! Carter, Genesea M., & Matzke, Aurora (Eds.). (2023). Systems shift: Creating and navigating change in rhetoric and composition administration. The WAC Clearinghouse and University Press of Colorado.
  • NEW! Ciula, Arianna, Eide, Øyvind, Marras, Cristina, Sahle, Patrick. (2024). Modelling between digital and humanities: Thinking in practice. Open Book Publishers.
  • NEW! Clark, Erin. (2024). Feminist technical communication: Apparent feminisms, slow crisis, and the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Utah State University Press.
  • Clary-Lemon, Jennifer, & Grant, David M. (Eds.). (2022). Decolonial conversations in posthuman and new material rhetorics. The Ohio State University Press.
  • NEW! Craig, Todd. (2023). ‘K for the way’: DJ rhetoric and literacy for 21st century writing studies. Utah State University Press.
  • Corbett, Steven J., Decker, Teagan E., & Young, Maria L. Soriano (Eds.). (2023). Writing centers and learning commons: Staying centered while sharing common ground. Utah State University.
  • NEW! Croxall, Brian, & Jakacki, Diane K. (2023). What we teach when we teach DH: Digital humanities in the classroom. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Daniel, James Rushing. (2022). Toward an anti-capitalist composition. Utah State University Press.
  • NEW! Del Hierro, Victor, & VanKooten, Crystal. (2023). Methods and methodologies for research in digital writing and rhetoric. University Press of Colorado and The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • NEW! DePalma, Michael-John, Lynch, Paul, & Ringer, Jeff (Eds.). (2023). Rhetoric and religion in the twenty-first century: Pluralism in a postsecular age. Southern Illinois University Press.
  • NEW! Dhaliwal, Ranjodh Singh, & Lepage-Richer, Théo, and Suchman, Lucy. (2024). Neural networks. University of Minnesota Press.
  • NEW! Endres, Danielle. (2023). Nuclear decolonization: Indigenous resistance to high-level nuclear waste siting. The Ohio State University Press.
  • Falconer, Heather M. (2022). Masking inequality with good intentions: Systemic bias, counterspaces, and discourse acquisition in STEM education. The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • Faris, Michael J. & Holmes, Steve (Eds.). (2022). Reprogrammable rhetoric: critical making theories and methods in rhetoric and composition. Utah State University Press.
  • NEW! Faris, Michael J., Danforth, Courtney S., Stedman, Kyle D. (Eds.). (2023). Amplifying songwriting pedagogies: Integrating sound into rhetoric and writing. University Press of Colorado and The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • Fiormonte, Domenico, Chaudhuri, Sukanta, & Ricaurte, Paola (Eds.). (2022). Global debates in the digital humanities. University of Minnesota Press.
  • NEW! Fishman, Jenn, and Hea, Amy C. Kimme (Eds.). (2023). Telling stories: Perspectives on longitudinal writing research. Utah State University Press.
  • NEW! Flowers, Katherine S. (2024). Making English official: Writing and resisting local language policies. Cambridge University Press.
  • Gabrys, Jennifer. (2022). Citizens of worlds: Open-air toolkits for environmental struggle. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Giaimo, Genie Nicole. (2023). Unwell writing centers: Searching for wellness in neoliberal educational institutions and beyond. Utah State University Press.
  • NEW! Giordano, Joanne Baird, Hassel, Holly, Heinert, Jennifer, & Phillips, Cassandra (Eds.). (2024). Reading all writers: A pedagogical guide for evolving college writing classrooms. Utah State University Press.
  • Green, Jacob. (2023). Composing place: Digital rhetorics for a mobile world. Utah State University Press.
  • NEW! Grouling, Jennifer. (2023). Adapting VALUEs: Tracing the life of a rubric through institutional ethnography. University Press of Colorado and The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • NEW! Gruwell, Leigh, & Lesh, Charles N. (Eds.). (2024). Mentorship/Methodology: Reflections, praxis, futures. Utah State University Press.
  • Gruwell, Leigh. (2022). Making matters: Craft, ethics, and new materialist rhetorics. Utah State University Press.
  • Gustafsson, Magnus, & Eriksson, Andreas. (Eds.). (2022). Negotiating the Intersections of Writing and Writing Instruction. University Press of Colorado and The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • NEW! Gustavson, Andi, & Nunes, Charlotte (Eds.). (2023). Transforming the authority of the archive: Undergraduate pedagogy and critical digital archives. Lever Press.
  • NEW! Hall, Jonathan, & Horner, Bruce (Eds.). (2023). Toward a transnational university: WAC/WID across borders of language, nation, and discipline. The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • Hassel, Holly, & Phillips, Cassandra. (2022). Materiality and Writing Studies: Aligning Labor, Scholarship, and Teaching. Studies in Writing and Rhetoric, NCTE.
  • NEW! Hawhee, Debra. (2023). A sense of urgency: How the climate crisis is changing rhetoric. The University of Chicago Press.
  • NEW! Hesse, Douglas, & Julier, Laura (Eds.). (2023). Nonfiction, the teaching of writing, and the influence of Richard Lloyd-Jones. The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • NEW! Hill, Annie. (2024). Trafficking rhetoric: Race, migration, and the making of modern-day slavery. The Ohio State University Press.
  • Holly, Ryan & Vie, Stephanie. (Eds.). (2022). Unlimited players: The intersections of writing center and game studies. Utah State University Press.
  • NEW! Inoue, Asao B., & Bailey, Kristin DeMint (Eds.). (2024). Narratives of joy and failure in antiracist assessment: Exploring collaborative writing assessments. The WAC Clearinghouse and University Press of Colorado.
  • Iverson, Christopher, & Ehrenfeld, Don. (Eds.). (2023). Processes: Writing across academic careers. Milne Open Textbooks.
  • NEW! Jackson, Phoebe, & Weaver, Christopher (Eds.). (2024). Rethinking peer review: Critical reflections on a pedagogical practice. University Press of Colorado and The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • NEW! Jagoda, Patrick, Bennet, Ireashia, & Sparrow, Ashlyn. (2023). Transmedia stories: Narrative methods for public health and social justice.
  • NEW! Jensen, Darin, & Griffiths, Brett (Eds.). (2023). Two-year college writing studies: Rationale and praxis for just teaching. Utah State University Press.
  • Jordan, Jay. (2022). Grounded literacies in a transnational WAC/WID ecology: A Korean-U.S. study. The WAC Clearinghouse and University Press of Colorado.
  • Kessler, Molly Margaret. (2022). Stigma stories: Rhetoric, lived experience, and chronic illness. The Ohio State University Press.
  • NEW! Khadka, Santosh, & Pandey, Shyam B (Eds.). (2023). Professionalizing multimodal composition. Utah State University Press.
  • NEW! King, Claire Sisco. (2023). Mapping the stars: Celebrity, metonymy, and the networked politics of identity. The Ohio State University Press.
  • Kirsch, Gesa E., Garcia, Romeo, Burns Allen, Caitlin, & Smith, Walker P. (Eds.). (2023). Unsettling archival research: Engaging critical, communal, and digital archives. Southern Illinois University Press.
  • Knight, Aimée. (2022). Community is the way: Engaged writing and designing for transformative change. The WAC Clearinghouse and University Press of Colorado.
  • Köseoğlu, Suzan, Veletsianos, George, & Rowell, Chris. (Eds.). (2023). Critical digital pedagogy in higher education. Athabasca University Press.
  • NEW! Kruse, Otto, Rapp, Christian, Anson, Chris M., Benetos, Kalliopi, Cotos, Elena, Devitt, Ann, & Shibani, Antonette (Eds.). (2023). Digital writing technologies in higher education: Theory, research, practice. Springer.
  • NEW! LaFrance, Michelle & Nicolas, Melissa (Eds.). (2024). Institutional ethnography as writing studies practice. University Press of Colorado and The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • NEW! LaVecchia, Christina, Carr, Allison, Micciche, Laura R., Rule, Hannah J., & Stone, Jayne E. O. (Eds.). (2024). Revising moves: Writing stories of (re)making. Utah State University Press.
  • Lewis, Tyson E., & Hyland, Peter B. (2022). Studious drift: Movements and protocols for a postdigital education. University of Minnesota Press.
  • NEW! Macaulay, William, Anglesey, Leslie, Edwards, Brady, Lanbrecht, Kathryn, & Lovas, Phillip (Eds.) (2023). Threshold conscripts: Rhetoric and composition teaching assistantships. The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • NEW! Maragh-Lloyd, Raven. (2024). Black networked resistance: Strategic rearticulations in the digital age. University of California Press.
  • Martins, David S., Schreiber, Brooke R., You, Xiaoye. (Eds.). (2023). Writing on the wall: Writing education and resistance to isolationism. Utah State University Press.
  • NEW! McCabe, Rachel, & Juszkiewicz, Jennifer. (2023). Composition & rhetoric in contentious times. Utah State University Press.
  • McGrail, Anne B., Nieves, Angel David, & Senior, Siobhan. (Eds.). (2022). People, practice, power: Digital humanities outside the center. University of Minnesota Press.
  • NEW! McNely, Brian J. (2024). Engaging ambience: Visual and multisensory methodologies and rhetorical theory. Utah State University Press.
  • NEW! Michaud, Michael J. (2024). A writer reforms (the teaching of) writing: Donald Murray and the writing process movement, 1963–1987. University Press of Colorado and The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • Miller, Benjamin. (2022). Distant readings of disciplinarity: Knowing and doing in composition/rhetoric dissertations. Utah State University Press.
  • Morris, Janine, & Concannon, Kelly. (Eds.). (2022). Emotions and affect in writing centers. Parlor Press.
  • NEW! Morrison, Talisha Haltiwanger, & Garriott, Deidre Anne Evans (Eds.). (2023). Writing centers & racial justice: A guidebook for critical praxis. Utah State University Press.
  • NEW! Nastal, Jessica, Poe, Mya, & Toth, Christie (Eds.). (2023). Writing placement in two-year colleges: The pursuit of equity in postsecondary education. University Press of Colorado and The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • Neaderhiser, Stephen E. (Ed.). (2022). Writing the classroom: Pedagogical documents as rhetorical genres. Utah State University Press.
  • Noel, Hannah. (2022). Deflective co-opting Black & Latinx identity politics. The Ohio State University Press.
  • NEW! Nowacek, Rebecca S., Lorimer Leonard, Rebecca, Rounsaville, Angela. (2023). Writing knowledge transfer: Theory, research, pedagogy. The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • NEW! Owens, Kim Hensley, & Van Ittersum, Derek (Eds.). (2023). Beyond productivity: Embodied, situated, and (un)balanced faculty writing processes. Utah State University Press.
  • Pflugfelder, Ehren Helmet. (2022). Geoengineering, persuasion, and the climate crisis: A geologic rhetoric. The University of Alabama Press.
  • NEW! Pickering, Kristin D. (2024). Environmental preservation and the Grey Cliffs Conflict: Negotiating common narratives, values, and ethos. Utah State University Press.
  • NEW! Phillips, Lisa L., Warren-Riley, Sarah, & Collins Bates, Julie. (2024). Grassroots activisms: Public rhetorics in localized contexts. The Ohio State University Press.
  • NEW! Price, Margaret. (2024). Crip spacetime: Access, failure, and accountability in academic life. Duke University Press.
  • NEW! Ramsay, Stephen. (2023). On the digital humanities: Essays and provocations. University of Minnesota Press.
  • NEW! Rivera, Nora K. (2024). The rhetorical mediator: Understanding agency in Indigenous translation and interpretation through Indigenous approaches to UX. Utah State University Press.
  • Rodrigue, Tanya K., & Stedman, Kyle. (2022). Soundwriting: A guide to making audio projects. Broadview Press.
  • NEW! Rogers, Paul M., Russell, David R., Carlino, Paula, & Marine, Jonathan M. (Eds.). Writing as human activity: Implications and applications of the work of Charles Bazerman. The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • NEW! Samuels, Robert. (2023). A working model for contingent faculty. University Press of Colorado.
  • Schreiber, Joanna, & Melonçon, Lisa. (Eds.). (2022). Assembling critical components: A framework for sustaining technical and professional communication. The WAC Clearinghouse and University Press of Colorado.
  • Siczek, Megan M. (Ed.) (2022). Pedagogical innovations in oral academic communication. University of Michigan Press.
  • Smilges, J. Logan. (2022). Queer silence: On disability and rhetorical absence. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Sparby, Derek M. (2023). Memetic rhetorics: Toward a toolkit for ethical making. University of Michigan Press.
  • Spicer, Scott. (2022). Student-centered media: Designing research, learning, and skill-building experiences. ALA Editions.
  • NEW! Starkey, David (Ed.). (2023). Teaching accelerated & corequisite composition. Utah State University Press.
  • NEW! Steele, Catherine Knight, Lu, Jessica H., & Winstead, Kevin C. (2023). Doing Black digital humanities with radical intentionality. Routledge.
  • Thaiss, Chris, & Zawacki, Terry Myers. (2022). Engaged writers and dynamic disciplines: Research on the academic writing life. The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • NEW! Tseptura, Mariya, & Ruecker, Todd (Eds.). (2024). Nonnative English-speaking teachers of U.S. college composition: Exploring identities and negotiating differences. The WAC Clearinghouse.
  • NEW! Van de Poel, Ibo, Frank, Lily Eva, Hermann, Julia, Hopster, Jeroen, Lenzi, Dominic, Nyholm, Sven, Taebi, Behnam, & Ziliotti, Elena. (2023). Ethics of socially disruptive technologies: An introduction. Open Book Publishers.
  • VanKooten, Crystal, & Del Hierro, Victor (Eds.). (2022). Methods and methodologies for research in digital writing and rhetoric: Centering positionality in computers and writing scholarship, Volume 1. The WAC Clearinghouse and University Press of Colorado.
  • Waite, Stacey, & Moe, Peter Wayne. (Eds.). (2022). Inventing the discipline: Student work in composition studies. Parlor Press.
  • NEW! Weizsäcker, Georg. (2024). Misunderstandings: False beliefs in communication. Open Book Publishers.
  • NEW! Wetzel, Grace. (2023). Rhetorical education in turn-of-the-century U.S. women’s journalism. Southern Illinois University Press.
  • Yabe, Manako. (2022). Deaf rhetoric: An ecology of health communication. Springer.
  • NEW! Yood, Jessica. (2024). The composition commons: Writing a new idea of the university. Utah State University Press.
  • You, Xiaoye. (2023). Genre networks and empire: Rhetoric in early imperial China. Southern Illinois University Press.
  • Young, Sarah. (2023). Working through surveillance and technical communication: Concepts and connections. SUNY Press.
  • NEW! Yu, Han, & Buehl, Jonathan (Eds.). (2023). Keywords in technical and professional communication. The WAC Clearinghouse.

Games, Software, and Tools

  • Alan Wake. (2023). Published by Epic Games.
  • Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. (2005). Developed by Headfirst Productions. Published by Bethesda Softworks.
  • ChatGPT. (2023). Developed OpenAI.
  • (2023). Developed by Anthropic.
  • Disco Elysium. (2019). Developed by ZA/UM.
  • Dwarf Fortress. (2002). Developed and Published by Bay 12 Games.
  • (2022). Published by Ought.
  • Factorio. (2016). Developed by Wube Software.
  • GeoGuessr. (2013). Developed by Anton Wallén.
  • Heavy Rain. (2010). Developed by Quantic Dream. Published by Sony.
  • Humanity. (2023). Published by Enhance Games.
  • (2020). Published by AAK.
  • (2022). Published by Researcher Workspace.
  • Loop Hero. (2021). Developed by Four Quarters. Published by Devolver Digital.
  • NaturalReader. (2014). Developed by Naturalsoft Ltd.
  • Pit. (1904). Developed by Edgar Cayce. Published by Hasbro.
  • Slay the Spire. (2017). Developed by Mega Crit. Published by Humble Bundle.
  • Super Time Force. (2014). Developed and Published Capybara Games.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. (2023). Developed and Published by Nintendo.
  • The Stanley Parable. (2011). Developed and Published by Galactic Cafe.
  • Untitled Goose Game. (2019). Developed by HouseHouse. Published by Panic Inc.
  • What Remains of Edith Finch. (2017). Published by Annapurna Interactive.
  • Wingspan. (2019). Designed by Elizabeth Hargrave. Published by Stonemaier Games.
  • Vampire Survivors. (2022). Published by Luca Galante.

Scholarly Podcasts (list via The WAC Clearinghouse Podcast Listings)

  • 10 Minute Tech Comm
  • The Big Rhetorical Podcast
  • CCC Podcasts
  • Creating Coalitional Gestures: A BIWOC Podcast by and for Black, Brown, Indigenous Women of Color in Writing Studies
  • Headagogy
  • Global Rhetorics
  • How I Write
  • KairosCast
  • On the Job
  • Pedagogue
  • Rhetorical Questions
  • Rhetoricity
  • Scholarly Communication
  • Slow Agency Podcast
  • Teaching Writing in College (with Thomas Skeen)
  • Tell Me More!
  • This Rhetorical Life
  • Turn Taking
  • WriteCast: A Casual Conversation for Serious Writers

Additional suggestions for this list are welcome. If you have a text you would like to review, just propose it to us.

All reviews should be authored specifically for publication on the World Wide Web, and they should focus on "exploring the intersections of rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy," in keeping with Kairos's mission as a journal.