This is not an introduction to Wikipedia editing. For those who are interested in getting started editing Wikipedia, we recommend starting with the resources at Wikipedia itself, such as this page on Getting Started.

For instructors looking to work with Wikipedia, please note that the resources on this site are geared towards advanced comprehensive editing and will need to be supplemented with more introductory materials.

For K–12 instructors, we recommend looking at the initiatives and support for Wikipedia literacy in the classroom provided by the Wikimedia Foundation, currently at this link.

For postsecondary instructors looking to work with Wikipedia, please do make use of the extensive support and resources available from the Wiki Education, whose resources currently include a dashboard for guiding student assignments, integration with Wikipedia itself, extensive training libraries geared towards college-level students, and instructor support. Explore these resources. They make requests for course sign-ups ahead of each semester. (Please note that Wiki Education is a nonprofit no longer directly within the WikiMedia foundation, and that their primary program, the Wikipedia Education Program, is currently limited to support within the United States and Canada.)

We would encourage all instructors to be aware of the responsibilities that come along with using Wikipedia in the classroom. As one can see from the educational noticeboard, not all educational uses of Wikipedia are productive, and some are harmful. Please recognize the responsibility that comes with using this resource, and, if possible, work with the existing community and organizations whose mission is to enhance and preserve the quality of this public resource.

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