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by Mike Palmquist, Will Hochman, Beth Kolko, Emily Golson, Jonathan Alexander, Luann Barnes, and Kate Kiefer |
AbstractHypertext Reflections grew out of a roundtable discussion at the l997 Conference on College Composition and Communication. Our goal, as we noted in our session proposal, was to: discuss some of the most compelling elements of current hypertext theory, as well as use the occasion of this conference and its theme to break the frame of the traditional conference presentation. The just writing and just teaching of the conference theme are integrated with questions of power and control. By creating a session that will practice the theory it preaches, we hope to explicitly model the theoretical interrogations of the session. Hypertext Reflections recreates and makes accessible to a larger audience the exchanges that took place during our roundtable discussion. Within this site, you'll find the five webs that contextualized our discussion of hypertext, our opening remarks, and our proposal for the session. Hypertext Reflections also represents our efforts to make sense of the session. It forms a commentary on what worked, what didn't work, and what might one day work in conference sessions that use hypertext -- rather than formal, linear papers -- as the basis for sharing ideas. Creating this site has allowed us to continue our discussion of the issues we raised in our roundtable at CCCC97 in Phoenix. We hope you'll help us continue the discussion. This web was peer-reviewed by Michael Day, Dene Grigar, and Judi Kirkpatrick of the KAIROS Editorial Board. Using This Text: Hypertext Reflections is displayed in its own browser window to maximize the display area and to reduce the confusion associated with displaying one framed site (Hypertext Reflections) within the frames of another (KAIROS). Contact The Authors |
About the Authors: Mike Palmquist is an associate professor of English at Colorado State University, where he directs the composition program. Will Hochman is an assistant professor of English at University of Southern Colorado, where he directs the composition program and directs the MacLab. Beth Kolko is an assistant professor of English at University of Texas at Arlington. Emily Golson is an associate professor of English at University of Northern Colorado, where she directs the writing center. Jonathan Alexander is a lecturer at the University of Southern Colorado. Luann Barnes is a research associate with the Center for Research on Writing and Communication Technologies at Colorado State University. Kate Kiefer is a professor of English at Colorado State University. Index of External Links |
Kairos: A Journal
for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments.
Vol. 2 No. 2 Fall 1997