Hypertext Reflections
External Links List

We've listed our external links according to where we've used them. Below, you'll find the external links in four of the five webs in Teaching Lives (there are no external links in Fences) and in the list of authors.
Hypertext and Queer Theory
www.uscolo.edu/english/faculty/alexander.html The link is to my professional homepage at the University of Southern Colorado. It links to a number of different sites showing my interests--and, in the process, problematizes any understanding of "Jonathan Alexander" as a single-minded entity.
rrnet.com/~nakamura/story/macdonald/index.html The link is to a site containing information and stories about George MacDonald, the Victorian writer of Christian fantasy. This page, set beside my interests in queer theory, rounds out the diversity of interests potentially encompassed by a queer theoretician. The queer critique can go anywhere.
www.uscolo.edu/1in10/ The link is to the les-bi-gay student group a USC. I am the faculty sponsor of the group, whose web page links to a number of queer resrouces and texts.
www.colostate.edu/Depts/WritingCenter/resources/hyper/jon.htm The link is to my English 102 homepage--a site which features the writing of several students, some of whom tackle queer issues.
www.colostate.edu/Depts/English/ The Colorado State University English Department Homepage
www.colostate.edu/Depts/WritingCenter/ The Homepage of the Online Writing Center at Colorado State University
www.colostate.edu The Colorado State University Homepage
Orality and Literacy
www.uta.english/bek/bek.html Information on the author
web2.airmail.net/lmurray A link to the Journal of the Electric Plague interactive fiction site described in the text. It was included to give the audience the opportunity to explore more details related to the course.
www.duke.edu/~mshumate/list01.html#multiple A link to the "dead trees" project, also an interactive fiction project named in the text. It was included to give the audience the opportunity to explore more details related to the course.
www.minds.com This link to Howard Rheingold's Electric Minds site, a resource named in the text, was included in order to contextualize the reference.
www.theAtlantic.com/atlantic/atlweb/aandc/gutenbrg/ This link was included in order to give the readers a chance to learn more about Sven Birkirts if his was a name with which they were unfamiliar.
www.uta.edu/english/bek/Eng5336.html This link was included because it points to a syllabus (with detailed readings) that addressed issues similar to the ones in the course described.
Hypertext Poetics
These external links all use the same rationale. Essentially, they demonstrate the concept that "WebEd" is a key to building a writing community that reflects the learning needs of students and teachers.
www.uscolo.edu/english This link illustrates the idea that students can use the web to know their professors.
www.uscolo.edu/hungryeye/ This link shows how a writing community can cheaply and powerfully publish a creative writing "zine" to compliment the traditional hard copy publication of The Hungry Eye.
www.uscolo.edu/writingcenter/ This link shows the beginning of our OWL and shows the desire of the writing community at USC to use email tutoring as an electric alternative to f2f tutoring.
www.uscolo.edu/maclab This link shows how the maclab is not only USC's first dedicated writing classroom, but also extends beyond its own software and hardware to the Web as a pointer and linker to more online writing resources.
www.uscolo.edu/english/syllabi Like the English Web page, this page offers specific syllabi
List of Authors
Mike Palmquist
www.colostate.edu/Depts/English/faculty/palmquis.htm Mike Palmquist's homepage
www.colostate.edu/Depts/English/pubs/freeston/freeston.htm Web page for the Freestone, the English Department alumni magazine that Mike founded and advises
www.colostate.edu/Depts/English/pubs/roja/roja.htm Web page for the Nieve Roja Review, an online literary magazine that Mike co-founded with Mark Smallwood and advises
www.ttu.edu/lists/acw-l/9704/0203.html A post to ACW-L
www.colostate.edu/Depts/WritingCenter/ The Online Writing Center at Colorado State University, a project Mike directs with Don Zimmerman and Kate Kiefer
www.colostate.edu/Depts/WAC/ The WAC Clearinghouse, a project that Mike is working on with faculty from several institutions
www.ttu.edu/lists/acw-l/9704/0421.html A post to ACW-L
www.stolaf.edu/athletics/track/men/images/palmquist1.jpg A picture of Mike running a race when he was a student at St. Olaf College
www.colostate.edu/Depts/English The English Department homepage
www.colostate.edu Colorado State University homepage
Will Hochman
www.uscolo.edu/english/faculty/hochman.html Will's homepage
www.uscolo.edu/hungryeye/ The homepage for the Hungry Eye, an online literary magazine that Will founded and advises at the University of Southern Colorado
www.uscolo.edu/writingcenter/ The Writing Center homepage at USC
www.uscolo.edu/english/ The Department homepage at USC
www.uscolo.edu/ The USC homepage
Beth Kolko
www.uta.edu/english/bek/bek.html Beth's homepage
www.uta.edu/english/rcct/rhethp.html The Rhetoric, Composition, and Critical Theory page at University of Texas at Arlington
www.uta.edu/huma/gradhuma/ The graduate humanities program homepage at UTA
www.uta.edu/english/engl.html The English Department homepage at UTA
www.uta.edu/ The UTA homepage
Emily Golson
web.univnorthco.edu/wcenter/index.htm The Writing Center web page at University of Northern Colorado
web.univnorthco.edu/pub/~creation/themes.html Web page for the Creation Project, a class project of Emily's English 203 class
web.univnorthco.edu/eng/ English homepage at UNC
www.univnorthco.edu/ The UNC homepage
Jonathan Alexander
www.uscolo.edu/english/faculty/alexander.html Jonathan's homepage
www.villagevoice.com/ The Village Voice homepage
www.glstn.org/ Homepage for GLSEN. The Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) is the largest national organization that brings together teachers, parents, students, and concerned citizens to work together to end homophobia in our schools.
www.uscolo.edu/alexander/alex.html Homepage for Jonathan's section of English 102 at University of Southern Colorado
www.jonno.com/oscariana/1.html A Web site devoted to Oscar Wilde
www.planetout.com/ Homepage for Planet Out
www.altx.com/ Homepage for Alt-X
www.altx.com/interzones/benderson/gay.html Bruce Benderson's "Is There a Gay Male Fiction?" on Alt-X
www.altx.com/memoriam/pomo.html#RTFToC39 Takayuki Tatsumi's "Creative Masochism As An Approach To Comparative Avant-Pop" on Alt-X
www.uscolo.edu/english/ English Department homepage at USC
www.uscolo.edu/ USC homepage
Luann Barnes
lamar.colostate.edu/~lbarnes/ Luann's homepage
www.colostate.edu/Depts/English/ English Department home page at CSU
www.colostate.edu CSU homepage
Kate Kiefer
www.colostate.edu/Depts/English/faculty/kiefer.htm Kate's homepage
www.colostate.edu/Depts/English English Department homepage at CSU
www.colostate.edu CSU homepage