Chandler, Blue, Roberts, and Wingard's (2005) Original Message Action Plan
Audience |
Key Messages |
Communication Channel |
Timing |
Spokesperson |
Proposed Classroom Message Action Plan
Audience column: Depending on the type of assignment, the information recorded in this column could frequently change. Is it the instructor? Other students? A newspaper? Most writing assignments will provide this information to the student. The message action plan lets them visualize it as they organize their argument.
Key Messages column: What is the goal of the assignment? To reach the goal, what needs to be addressed? This label could be changed to Arguments or Items of Analysis.
Communication Channel column: This is helpful if the assignment involves the use of mixed media and can aid the student in determining the best genre or medium for communication.
Timing column: This column helps students structure the argument. This can aid them in identifying what needs to be addressed in a specific order. For example, what comes first? If it would be easier for the students to understand, the column can be renamed to Order.
Spokesperson column: This column is useful when we ask students to take on a different voice or persona or to work collaboratively.