WATE cover image

Reviewed by
Douglas Eyman


Tom McHarg

      "The Late Night Maneuvers of the Ultramundane," by Tom McHarg, is divided into two sets of lexia respectively labeled "Ultra-Access" and "Mundane Maneuvers." Each set uses the same 49 lexia, but they are linked in much different ways; each lexia (both sets) is named after days of the week--there are 7 Mondays, 7 Tuesdays and so on. In "Ultra-Access," the user can choose which of the seven Tuesdays should proceed from the first Monday and on ad infinitum (although the links are not distinguished from each other in any way). In "Mundane Maneuvers," the links are set within each lexia (rather than being the whole lexia) and are thematic. Each hypertext fiction in this collection takes a different approach to navigation and linking, and each produces results that make for quite an interesting reading experience.

  • Food for Thought
    Jane Park

  • An Evening at Roy's
    Roy Perlis

  • Bodily Writing
    Anne Pycha

  • The Hero's Face
    Joshua Rappaport

  • Rhizome
    Maggie Skodon

  • Freud Web
    David B. Stevenson

  • LBJ
    Timothy Taylor

  • Adam's Bookstore
    Adam Wenger

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