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Fiks uses hypertext to chart and connect the application of Baudrillard's concept of "simulation" to the everyday experiences in his own life. As such, it not only presents Fiks's examination of Baudrillard, but acts as a form of simulation itself. Like "LBJ," "Plateaus," and "Adam's Bookstore," this hypertext qualifies as the form that Gregory Ulmer calls the mystory--as can be seen by the diversity of these texts, however, it would be incorrect to say that the mystory is a genre--in fact, hypertext seems to resist the notion of genre, for while I was reading this collection of hypertexts I tried to categorize them but could not. Each text is individual; while it may have similarities in theme or construction to some of the others, the malleability and reader-centeredness of these texts precludes such organizational endeavors.
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