meredith w. zoetewey, purdue university

“To make explicit the ramifications of metaphor is to engage in critique, evaluation, and perhaps replacement. Metaphor is potentially revolutionary” (Arbib & Hesse, 1986, p. 610).

“Disrupting the Computer Lab(oratory)” considers metaphors that may be created or carried over from wired, face-to-face, and non-academic experience as names for wireless writing places. Ultimately, it suggests that names for wireless sites have the potential to enhance writing instruction’s status on campus and provides a naming heuristic for those seeking to accommodate local complexities.

about navigating this webtext
This webtext consists of three intertwined threads: story, labs, and naming. All three threads are linked off of the introduction page, link up with each other at various points, and can be read in any order. Pursue which ever one you find most interesting first. Headings and links have been color-coded to correspond with each main thread. There's also a basic navigation bar at the bottom of every page that links to introductory nodes for each thread.

I've included a sample reading below to delineate one path you might want to take. The sample reading is an attempt to make a non-linear document somewhat linear. It necessarily fails. And omits. Please use it sparingly. Or ignore it all together. Those who insist on a bird's eye view might forgo this reading in favor of a semi-complete map I used to track connections during the production of this webtext. Or you could just start here and find your own way.

sample reading:

introduction | story | labs | naming

story 1 | about story 1 | story 2 | about story 2 | story 3 | about story 3 | apology | about apology 1 | about apology 2

labs | open labs | modest witness | practical inheritances | writing labs | writing about something | a paradox | technical communication labs | composition labs | options

naming | metaphor | metaphors and writing | power of metaphors | options | all participants | students | instructors | administrators | academic names | non academic names | arcade | collaboratorium
conclusions | heuristic | works cited | acknowledgments


about the author
Meredith W. Zoetewey is a Ph.D. candidate and the Assistant Director of Professional Writing at Purdue University. She is currently working on her dissertation about mobile technologies and computer classrooms.