

As the ENFI model became appealing to a wider range of writing instructors, the ENFI acronym seemed no longer to accurately represent the project. Each campus that joined the ENFI consortium contributed something new and developed a unique configuration of technology, pedagogy and institutional character - but each retained the electronic network and the interactive nature of the program. The acronym now stood for “Electronic Networks for Interaction.” Carnegie Mellon University, New York Institute of Technology, University of Pittsburgh, University of Illinois, University of Minnesota, Colorado State, and the University of Texas are all included as sites of the ENFI program. Fred Kemp and Locke Carter, both now at Texas Tech, relate stories of their first exposure to ENFI and its influences on the development of the InterChange module of the Daedalus Integrated Writing Environment (DIWE). It is important to remember how innovative synchronous “chat” was in 1985, and to remember the difference between then and now, when commercial digital teaching tools include discussion boards by default.

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