Deafened to Their Demands:
An Ethnographic Study of Accommodation

Works Cited

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Bauman, H. Dirksen L., and Jennifer Drake "Silence Is Not Without Voice: Including Deaf Culture within Multicultural Curricula" from Davis, Lennard (ed). The Disability Studies Reader. Routledge. 1997.

Bruce, Bertram C., Joy Kreeft Peyton, and Trent Batson (eds). Network-based Classrooms: Promises and Realities. Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Canagarajah, A. Suresh. "Safe Houses in the Contact Zone: Coping Strategies of African-American Students in the Academy." CCC v 48, 1997. Pages: 173-196.

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Horner, Bruce. "Mapping Errors and Expectations for Basic Writing: From 'Frontier Field' to 'Border Country.'" English Education. v26, 1994. Pages: 29-51.

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Lyotard, Jean François. The Differend: Phrases in Dispute. University of Minnesota Press. 1988.

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Rose, Mike. "The Language of Exclusion: Writing Instruction at the University." College English. v 47, April 1985. Pages: 341-59.

Shaughnessy, Mina. Errors and Expectations. Oxford University Press. 1979.

Street, Brian. Literacy in Theory and Practice. Cambridge University Press. 1984.

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"Writing Classes in the MOO" Kairos CoverWeb, Summer 1996. []

Zamel, Vivian. "Strangers in Academia: The Experiences of Faculty and ESL Students Across the Curriculum." CCC V 46.4, 1995. Pages: 506-521.

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