
interpreter situation

John, in his exit examination, wrote:

My worst effect on my life recently from [university] . When I apply at here and I was accepting at here. I asked for interpreter service for my needs for this semester and Dean of Students promised me that they would find one. They told me not to worry about anything so I was full faith in them. In August, I called [university] to find out about interpreter service program and they said they already hired four interpreters at full time. I was so excited about it then when I show up in first day of school. They had no interpreter in each class so I went to Dean of Students office to find out why they do not have any interpreters in my each of classes. I found out they never hired anyone. I felt like [university] had betrayed us as deaf students because we thought we can trust them completely but they ruined our trust with them completely. I had talked to President of [university] about interpreter situation and he said exactly same thing as Dean of Students and they been told us that "We are working on it much as we can." I knew they are not moving anything on interpreter service case. So I called Office of Civil Rights about my needs at [university] and I told lawyers at Office of Civil Rights that [university] did not accomplish my needs. They already taken my case very seriously and they worked so hard to accomplishment this case. Office of Civil Rights had called [university] and want them to response this case and [university] never response back. Therefore, OCR sent one investigator to this campus to find out if it is truthful about this case. State of [Name] had found [university] guilty! Therefore, They can fined [university] big time or will erase my grades and record at [university] Right now, OCR is going to work with us to solve this situation to good ending. I will get full refund from [university] because they did not provide me an education equal as other students do. It has effected my grades already in some of classes. This will be good experience for me because I know how to fix these serious problems with university. If some deaf people at other university have these problems, so I can help them out through email system to help them out. I want to see other deaf people to be successfully in other university within this situation.

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