What Writing Students Get From the Net: Using Synchronous Communication to Develop Writerly Skills

The Gendered Language Unit -- Using Synchronous Communication to Test Social Theories

In this unit, students were asked to write an argument defending or dismissing the idea that greater awareness of gendered language is important to the development of our culture. This meant they would have to have some idea of what was meant by "gendered language" as well as be able to define "important" in the context of their essay. We began with some readings and in-class discussion on the issue of gendered language, and then moved on to a series of three "chat classes" which students were told to think of as experiments that would test their early hypotheses related to the assignment. The chats took place at our regular class meeting time, but students logged in from a variety of remote locations (e.g. dorm rooms, labs, home) while I chatted from my office. What follows breaks down the unit step-by-step, and assesses its success through student response.
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