Call For Papers


From the Calls for Papers in English & American Literature Listserv

The conference organizers live and work in different countries: Canada, England and France. In our work on Canadian women's texts we recognize the variety and density of work with the technologies of print, music, visual arts, drama, performance arts, video, film and other electronic media. The texts negotiate, with both difficulty and pleasure, the many ways that women are bringing into voice and valuing their lives and communities. The negotiations resist, engage and translate within one language, as well as between and among other languages.

In common with women's texts worldwide, issues of language and technology are central both to an appreciation of situated knowledges and to the constitution of communities. The conference is seen as a place to bring together women in artistic, political, local, feminist, critical and other communities, in order to discuss the differences and communities initiated by women's texts. The conference WOMEN AND TEXTS takes Canadian texts as its focus at the same time as inviting comparative work -- artistic, critical and scholarly -- with texts from societies around the world. The conference also takes the word 'text' in a broadly interdisciplinary sense that could include any discourse from law, to economics, to architecture, as well as the arts, humanities and science generally. Proposals are invited for papers, installations, readings, exhibitions, performances, addressing the following issues:

LANGUAGES: representation, translation, poetics, aesthetics, discourses and practices

TECHNOLOGIES: media and communication, dissemination, local/ national/ international finance, cyberspace

COMMUNITIES: legitimacy, citizenship, communal support, situated knowledges, migrant identities, building coalitions across differences of race, class and/or sexualities

DEADLINE for Proposals: December 31, 1996 DEADLINE for Long Abstract: May 1, 1997

The long abstracts will be duplicated and distributed on arrival at the conference. We hope they will ease translation, post questions and encourage participation between and among the different technologies, languages and communities present. We can undertake to translate from the French into English and from English into French; other translations should come with the abstracts.

CONFERENCE VENUE AND DATES The conference will take place in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, in the first week of July 1997, Wednesday 2nd to Saturday 5th. A creche and other childcare will be available for children from 3 months to 12 years, and an extra fee may be incurred. Full details of these facilities and a variety of reserved accommodation will be available in September 1996.

50 pounds stlg full registration, 10 pounds stlg student and unwaged

Please make inquiries and send proposals for paper to any one of:

Dr Lynette Hunter, School of English, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, England
Tel 44 113 2334739 / fax 44 113 2334774 / eng6lh@leeds.ac.uk

Dr Susan Rudy, Dept of English, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4, Canada
tel 01 403 2204664/ fax 01 403 2891123/ rudydors@acs.ucalgary.ca

Dr Marta Dvorak, Centre d'Etudes Canadiennes, Universite Rennes 2, 6 av Gaston Berger, 35043 Rennes, France
tel 33 99 839480 / fax 33 99 141605 / marta.dvorak@uhb.fr

For purposes of funding and conference administration by national institutions, it would be very helpful to receive expressions of interest or intention to submit a proposal by September 25 1996.

KAIROS Kairos: A Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments.
Vol. 1 No. 2 Summer 1996