
Good theorists suggest far more ideas for books than they can possibly write themselves.


Husserl repeatedly and obstinately returns to a question which is at bottom the following: how can the subjective egological evidence of sense become objective and intersubjective? How can it give rise to an ideal and true object, with all the characteristics that we know it to have: omnitemporal validity, universal normativity, intellgibility for "everyone," uprootedness out of all "here and now" factuality?
Edmund Husserl's Origin of Geometry; An Introduction


School used to teach future citizens how to write. What institution has responsibility for teaching tele-graphy? Can the ideal pursued by such an institution still be the citizen? Is an institution for the telegraphization of humans even possible?
The Inhuman


All avant-garde experience since the late nineteenth century, from the poete maudit to schizophrenia, demonstrates that it is possible for a signifying process to be different from the process of unifying conceptual thought.
Revolution in Poetic Language