Works CitedEddy, Duane O., Roy A. Weaver, and Gary M. Pavlechko. "Ball State University: Curriculum & Technology Training Model." BSU, 1998.
Holdstein, Deborah H., and Cynthia L. Selfe. Computers and Writing: Theory, Research, Practice. NY: MLA, 1990.
Matthews-DeNatalae, Gail. "Lighting Our Way Across The Divide: The Epiphany Project." Kairos 2.1 (Spring 1997): <>.
Moran, Charles. "From a High-Tech to a Low-Tech Writing Classroom: "You Can't Go Home Again." Computers and Composition 15.1 (April 1998): XX-XX.<>.
Nellen, Ted and Lori Mayo. "Cyber Learning is Authentic Learning: Practical Theory is the Cadence to Which Teachers March." Kairos 5.1 (Spring 2000): <>.
Prince, John. "On Learning How to Teach with Computers." Watson Conference Paper. 7 October 2000.
Self, Cynthia L. Technology and Literacy in the Twenty-First Century: The Importance of Paying Attention. Lincoln, Nebraska: Robert Brooke, 2000.