An Overview . . .
Based on our presentation at CW2K (Computers and Writing Conference 2000), this webtext explores the faculty development process which began with a handful of teachers in our Writing Program, grew to involve much of a university English department, expanded to include K-16 teachers from several states, and eventually played a role in our deciding to apply to host the 2001 Computers and Writing Conference. Although you can read this linearly by following the links in our timeline from left to right, we invite you to play, to explore the webtext by following whatever links strike your fancy in whatever order appeals to you. The following brief node summaries (we hope) will help you in deciding.
- epiphany -- The inspiration for our journey, the 1997 Epiphany Institute provided us with a starting point by suggesting a framework and offering guidelines for undertaking a staged faculty development program.
- funding -- This section provides a brief look at how we secured funding for the program and how we applied those funds to support faculty as they participated in training.
- summer workshops -- The intensive summer workshops were (and continue to be) the heart of the program. Here we give you a look at the thinking behind them, a design for a two-week schedule, feedback from participants, and links to some of the pages they produced from the first summer workshop.
- consulting -- This segment explains our move from group workshops to including one-on-one tutorials; a progression that best serves the needs of faculty in the second stage of technology training or beyond.
- wcli -- After about 18 months, our efforts led to the creation of the departmental technology initiative -- the Writing, Computers, and Literacy Initiative. Assessing the abilities and interests of our faculty, the needs of our students, and the desires of the University, we responded by incorporating technological literacy into the first-year writing courses.
- institute -- Completing the original circle from epiphany to expansion (and thus beginning the cycle anew), we created a four-day Institute (Pedagogy, Practice, and the Technology of Writing) to involve teachers from kindergarten through college in exploring the possibilities of teaching with technology. This section offers a description of that Institute, and for those interested in pursuing a like model, provides a look at our daily schedule.
- cw2001 -- Bringing the cycle of exploration and development back to the epiphany-beginning, we will host the Computers and Writing Conference "2001: A Cyber Odyssey,” 17-20 May 2001. Explore this page and then join us in May 2001 in Muncie, Indiana!