Making Key, Contextual Connections
Many of the participants in PPTW were able to share what they learned from others in the institute with colleagues in their own institutions. Perhaps the best training model is to train in the environment you teach in; however, this is not always possible. That is, because many participants came from different schools with varied access to technology resources, and because these schools were at a considerable distance from Ball State University, it made sense to train at BSU. Similar to the built-in practice time in the workshop model, however, participants were given ample time to practice and consider how the tools at BSU would translate to home contexts and environments.Susan Reynolds is one participant who made many key, contextual connections through PPTW. For Susan, learning many different applications and uses of technologies was most useful.
Applications for the PPTW Model
As a 9-12 grade English teacher, I found the Ball State institute on teaching with computers incredible. The information and skills that I have gained from it has taken my whole school by storm. As a presenter at the convention, I showed the participants the ways that I've implemented each of the various elements into my work at school.
Web pages
I use because it is so easy (drag and drop) and includes no ad banners (those pesky lingerie ads which pop up as you're sharing your work with the school board). All my assignments, grading rubrics, Power Point instructions, and resources for the semester are posted through links at the site. Students post their writing in webfolios with links to the teacher page. There is a guestbook for other students to read and respond to each others' writing. Soon I will update the site by having students link to photos in the About Me essays; and in their research papers, link their MLA citations to their online sources.More uses for web pages
I have started using web pages for meeting agendas. One I have includes legal information for administrators who are concerned about legal issues revolving around the use of the Internet and web page liability. This was a difficult hurdle in the beginning (to overcome the administration's resistance to the threat of free speech in a public forum). After months of meetings to assure them that the teacher could be in full control of content, and after establishing corporation guidelines which a teacher must sign agreement to, the administration approved web pages for the classroom.Another thing I do is collect the urls of cool interactive sites which complement the curriculum, and save it on a webpage, so that any teacher or student can access that site to use those lessons. I have a great Crucible site for juniors with incredible simulated sites and virtual tours.
Virtual Tours/Web Quests
These are called various names, but I know some great sites and lesson ideas for walk-through activities on the Internet on various topics. My best ones are "The Crucible" and Shakespeare site.Other Interactive Sites
The Speakeasy works great as a structure for threaded discussion (chats). It uses imaginative language and encourages students to be conscious, yet creative with their language. Teachers can evaluate the quality and quantity of student comments. The OWLs are also wonderful ways for students to post work, gain audience, learn from feedback. At the online writing labs, students post their papers and then check back to read the tutor's and peers' reactions.Technology Infusion Plan
My school will be one of the first in the state to implement such a thorough technology curriculum starting with keyboarding in 2nd grade through mastery of Word, PPT, Excel, and Access by the senior year.Computer Club
The computer club is an enjoyable support group for individuals, teachers, and the school, seemingly limitless in its potential. Student projects include a 200 page visual basic program allowing staff to sign-up online for school labs, a sophisticated career site, teacher trainings, and S.W.A.T employment. This year we will compete in the state media fair in the original web page and programming categories.All in all, the things I've learned from the PPTW have revolutionized the entire school's approach to interactive online education. In place of the school's wary regard, has come an expanding enthusiasm. I'm enjoying riding the crest of the wave.
Susan Reynolds
Kokomo High School
Kokomo, Indiana