Butterflies and Flowers

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Understanding a Vision: What is Hypertext?
Hypertext Literature: Honors Mentorship Research Project
Tidewater Community College, Humanities 199-G1B Spring 1999
Sadie L. Cornell

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Research Notes

Included here in their raw nature are the notes taken during this research project.


Reflections and Notes


What is Hypertext?

  • Hypertext term coined in 1965 by Ted Nelson
  • First computerized hypertext system demonstrated in 1968 by Douglas Englebart
  • First hypertext conference held in 1987

Forms and uses found.






What is Hypertext?

  • The answers I have found are very vague yet very simple. Sometimes I can say well basically the WWW is a huge hypertext, and this is true but the forms hypertext takes are very diversified. I think I know the concept of hypertext but I do not understand the flow of the varied forms because they do not have a flow. There is definite purpose but as intended there is neither a beginning nor an end and this has proved challenging.

Forms and uses found.

  • Patchwork Girl, although seemingly a very interesting novel, is very confusing. I am not used to reading a novel that has neither a beginning nor an end.
  • Hegirascope I found on the web and is even more confusing. It has been designed to replace the current page with a new page after a designated amount of time aprox 3-5 seconds. There are links you can choose to take before this happens but you better read fast. Reviewed to be much like TV.
  • Research papers as hypertexts make a great deal of sense to me. There is a great deal of information that can be referenced further through the links as opposed to just the actual written paper.

Is what I am producing here a hypertext?


More Examples of Hypertext


Other Examples of Hypertext

  • The Victory Garden has been much easier for me to understand than was Patchwork Girl. Reading it is kind of like when I was younger and liked to read the choose your path mystery books. I found it more interesting to explore the limited web version as opposed to the full Storyspace version. Perhaps my aversion to the Storyspace setting comes from it looking so much like a DOS system area.
  • I feel that I need to gain a better understanding of the Storyspace software as well as some other mediums used to create Hypertext. Most of the Hypertext I have found as of yet has been in Storyspace format.

Online Scholarship devoted to hypertext.

Other hypertext writing environments

  • CommonSpace by sixth floor media is collaborative writing software which allows two or more people to work easily together to create and/or revise an electronic document and to comment on each other's writing.

Scholarship devoted to hypertext

  • A journal for teaching of writing in webbed environments
  • The major concern with all of the information I have read is a need to have the information put in an organized, easily retrievable manner. To me though the hypertext novels seem very disorganized.

Textual Scholarship devoted to hypertext

Online Scholarship devoted to hypertext



Textual Scholarship devoted to hypertext

  • Very helpful reference tool in my research. Time did not permit me to really read this book from cover to cover but the ideas I was able to extrapolate were very useful.




More Examples of Hypertext

Online Scholarship devoted to hypertext

  • The Star Trek site is very appealing but to me just appears as another web page on the net.

Examples of Hypertext

  • Very interesting, beautifully compelling story but still it irritates me that there is no rational flow of order. I am not one who necessarily needs extreme order but I just can't seem to really enjoy the hypertext novels I have read or attempted to read perhaps is a better way to put it.
Examples of Hypertext
  1. Web Study Texts.
  2. Lyrical Ballads

  3. British Poetry

  4. Review of Marble Springs by Deena Larsen

  5. E.J. Pratt: A Hypertext Edition.

  6. Representation and Victimization


  • Hyper-Lit: Welcome to English for the 21st century


Examples of Hypertext
  1. Ann Woodlief  English Department, VCU
  2. hypertext project,   variant printed texts of the lifetime editions of Wordsworth and Coleridge's Lyrical Ballads.
  3. 1780-1910: a Hypertext Archive of Scholarly Editions. Internet-accessible electronic library of marked up and scholarly editions of books of poetry.
  4. Poem online put out by eastgate.
  5. A Brief Overview of the Complete Poems and Letters of E.J Pratt.
  6. Modern Drama, Susan Warshauer


  • Online Class

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Home * Introduction * History * Literary Hypertexts * Hypertext Poem * Research Notes

designed and developed by S. Cornell and D. Reiss
modified 15 June 1999 by S. Cornell