Kathy --
Now that I have your second response, I think I see a point about which we are dancing: my writing grows out of my having in mind pages that make me think of people as I read, a position very much tied to the art background I described in the previous post; in your latest message you are talking primarily about pages tied to institutions (although in earlier posts you speak of writing by individuals).
When I read/view something made to make *people* visible, I am much more likely to forgive them for HTML slip-ups (as I hope they will me) and odd design decisions (such as frames that wont let me out). When I read something made by *an institution*, and encounter such design decisions, I look at the decisions more as decisions than as mistakes or lack-of-knowing and I think that the institution is trying to make me work within their shapes.
This makes me think about how the books in the book-libraries where I spent so much time as a kid all felt pretty much the same: everything had to go through the same printing process. But now institutional pages butt up against individual pages -- and I wonder about the differing attitudes I bring to the differing pages, and the differing ways I read them...
Anne Frances Wysocki
Humanities Department
Michigan Technological University