Hypertext Fiction and Poetry

CoverWeb Overview

HyperRhetoroids: An Undergraduate Course in the Rhetoric of Hyperfiction 
JJ Runnion

Heading South 
Cheryl Ball

Understanding a Vision: What is Hypertext? 
Sadie L. Cornell (with Donna Reiss) 

Creative Writing Steps Inside a Virtual Jar 
Michelle Rogge Gannon 

Hyper-What?: Some Views on Reader Discomfiture with Hypertext Fiction 
Lawrence James Clark 

Cybernetic Engines 
John F. Barber 

Hypertext is Dead (Isn't it?): An Excerpt from the 1999 Computers and Writing Online Conference 
Featuring: Susan Elaine Antlitz, Collin Brooke, Nick Carbone, Johndan Johnson-Eilola, Kathy Fitch, James A. Inman, Lennie Irvin, Michelle Kendrick, Steve Krause, Ted Nellen, Albert Rouzie, Greg Siering, Geoffrey Sirc, Greg Ulmer, and Anne F. Wysocki 

For an introduction to the CoverWeb concept, see Michael J. Salvo's LoggingOn  piece about the promises and pitfalls of multi-vocal academic texts. If you have questions, problems, concerns, and even if you have good things to say, please use let us know. in contributing to a future CoverWeb? Visit the CoverWeb Call for Hypertexts!