Susan --
You spoke a while earlier about how the visibility of the connections on the web is making hypertext a "more deliberate and more of a conscious concern"... One of my concerns is that hypertext is quickly becoming normal for a lot of the people in my classes: they spend immense amounts of time there, and suck up quickly-appearing standards like air.
I think *we* who study this stuff a bit more deliberately tend to see the differences between the older academic traditions of text-on-paper and the possibilities of text-on-paper-and-screen (as you've written) (the paper possibilities a hindsight from the perspective of screen) more than people-in-our-classes-in-the-trenches.
Does that seem accurate to you, or no?
And if so, have you got any strategies for keeping the screen 'strange' so that the potentials of hypertext that we've all been discussing might be a more long-term and lasting concern... so that electronic pages don't become as readily and widely transparent as paper pages?
I hope I am making myself clearer here than my Friday-night head feels...
Thanks, Anne
Anne Frances Wysocki
Humanities Department
Michigan Technological University