
Basis of Metacognition

Metacognitive Advantages of the MOO

The MOO-based Metacognitive Process

Examples of the Process

Discussion of the Annontated Logs


Works Cited

Editorial Board
Conference MOO Log

The BallState Writer Workshop
On LinguaMOO
BallState Writer Workshop

             up to Flipper's                                __   ___
 ______________| Landing |_________                        | o\ /   \ ||  ||
 |                       _         |                       |  / | o | ||  ||
 | |\_   Orange         |_| Filing |                       | o\ ||-|| ||_ ||_
 | |__\==  Recliner     |_| Cabinet|                       |__/ || || |__||__|
 | ,===                 |_|        |                ___  ____   ___  ____  __
 | |  |  Extra           _  Coffee |               /___||_  _| /   \|_  _|| _|
 | |--|  Long           (_)] Pot   |               \___   ||   | o |  ||  ||_
 | |  |  Sofa                      |__   OUT       ___ \  ||   ||-||  ||  ||_
 | |--|                 _  Conch       to the     |____/  ||   || ||  ||  |__|
 | |  |                (@\ Shell     Scriptorium
 | '===                ,----,        __ Writing                WRITER WORKSHOP
 | .---.             _//_|_\ \      |   Center     Commands:
 | |( )| Beanbag    /    |    \     |                - look 
 | '---' Chair     '(o)__|_(o)'     |                - sit 
 |                Volkswagen Beetle |                - pour coffee
 |_______      _____________________|                - blow conch shell
        | DOWN |                                     - take 
 to Kurt's Kantina                                      from filing cabinet

Joel is laying back in Joel's Orange Recliner, apparently falling asleep.
You see Filing Cabinet, CONCH SHELL, Reel2Reel, and Coffee Pot here.
Exits include: [down] to Kurt's Kantina, [out] to Scriptorium, [up] to
 Flipper's Landing, and [left] to ITC Meeting Room

The BallState Writer Workshop is my classroom space in LinguaMOO. I have equipped the classroom with several working chairs, a coffee pot, a conch shell, and a filing cabinet for MOO log storage:

look coffee pot
a big pot of steaming hot coffee--help yourself by typing: pour coffee
Hot Swiss Mocha Almond Coffee

look conch shell
This CONCH SHELL is the tool which we honor in the BallState Writer Workshop as the object that designates who is speaking. If somebody blows the CONCH SHELL, then please listen to what that person has to say without interrupting--they are probably saying something that you need to hear. To use the CONCH SHELL yourself, [take conch shell], and then [blow conch shell]. When you are finished speaking (and keep it breif), make sure that you [drop conch shell].

look filing cabinet:
This filing cabinet contains the MOO logs from the BallState Writer Workshop Project, as well as class logs from Joel English's English 103 and Teacher Prep classes. To read a log, first take the log from the filing cabinet by typing: take from filing cabinet. Then type: read . When you are finished, please remember to put the file back into the filing cabinet by typing: put in filing cabinet. Thank you.
CyberTutorial Folder (contains 6 files)
ACE Final Conversation
bsww--6 part checklist
MOO Conferences with joel (contains 4 files)

Further, outside the BSWW is the Scriptorium Writing Center, which my students and online tutors use for individual writing conferences, and where my students meet in small groups during class meetings.

                         |             |     |        |
                         | Ball State  |   S4 Script 4| S
                         |            BSW    |________| C
                         |  Writer's   |     |        | R
                         |  Workshop   |   S3 Script 3| I
                 ________|_____________|     |________| P
                |                            *        | T
              out     Scriptorium         SS          | O
                |___ S1 _______ S2 ___  *             | R
                |          |          | Scriptorium   | I
                | Script 1 | Script 2 | Seminar Room  | U
                |__________|__________|_______________| M

You enter the reception area of the Writing Center. A *sofa and some *chairs
are grouped in front of the window overlooking the courtyard. You see
several doors down the hall.

You see Graffiti Wall and ScriptCam here. 

Each room is equipped with a recorder to log MOO conversations, as well as chairs and tables for students and tutors to use.

MOO-based Metacognition: Incorporating Online and Offline Reflection into the Writing Process
Joel A. English