Available Card List

The following list of cards comprises the available pool from which we built our constructed decks. The pool was built from the five starter decks (two copies of each); twenty booster packs (two included with each starter deck), each of which contained fifteen cards; a set of three booster packs; and a Deck Builder’s Toolkit, a product that contained a number of randomized cards, several booster packs, and a collection of basic land cards.
- Accursed Spirit x3
- Act on Impulse x1
- Aegis Angel x1
- Aeronaut Tinkerer x8
- Aetherspouts x2
- Aggressive Mining x1
- Agoraphobia x1
- Ajani’s Pridemate x5
- Akroan Crusader x1
- Akroan Hoplite x1
- Akroan Phalanx x1
- Akroan Skyguard x1
- Amphin Pathmage x4
- Ancient Silverback x3
- Angelic Skirmisher x1
- Armored Wolf-Rider x1
- Ashiok’s Adept x1
- Assemble the Legion x1
- Awe for the Guilds x1
- Axebane Guardian x1
- Back to Nature x1
- Baleful Eidolon x1
- Banishing Light x1
- Batterhorn x1
- Battlewise Hoplite x1
- Belligerent Sliver x1
- Belligerent Sliver x2
- Bile Blight x2
- Black Cat x1
- Bladetusk Boar x1
- Blastfire Bolt x5
- Blood Host x2
- Bolt of Keranos x1
- Boonweaver Giant x1
- Borderland Marauder x3
- Boros Mastiff x1
- Boulderfall x1
- Brawler’s Plate x4
- Bronze Sable x8
- Brood Keeper x3
- Burning Anger x2
- Cancel x1
- Carnivorous Moss-Beast x8
- Carrion Crow x6
- Caustic Tar x4
- Cavern Lampad x1
- Centaur Courser x1
- Chandra, Pyromaster x1
- Charging Rhino x2
- Child of Night x7
- Chosen by Heliod x2
- Chronostutter x3
- Clear a Path x6
- Cloaked Siren x1
- CodexShredder x1
- Colossus of Akros x1
- Concordia Pegasus x1
- Cone of Flame x2
- Coral Barrier x6
- Covenant of Blood x4
- Cremate x1
- Crippling Blight x9
- Crowd’s Favor x3
- Crypsis x1
- Culling Mark x1
- Cyclops of One-Eyed Pass x2
- Daring Skyjek x1
- Darksteel Citadel x3
- Deathbellow Raider x1
- Devouring Light x4
- Dimir Guildgate x1
- Divination x3
- Divine Favor x2
- Divine Verdict x2
- Downsize x1
- Dragon Mantle x2
- Dreg Mangler x1
- Dying Wish x1
- Eagle of the Watch x2
- Elvish Mystic x3
- Encrust x4
- Ensoul Artifact x5
- Ephara’s Enlightenment x1
- Ephemeral Shields x2
- Epiphany Storm x2
- Eternal Thirst x1
- Evanescent Intellect x1
- Evolving Wilds x8
- Eye Gouge x1
- Eye Gouge x1
- Fall of the Hammer x2
- Fanatic of Mogis x1
- Fate Foretold x1
- Feast on the Fallen x3
- Felhide Brawler x1
- Felhide Petrifier x1
- Feral Incarnation x6
- Feral Invocation x1
- Festergloom x7
- First Response x2
- Fleetfeather Sandals x1
- Flesh to Dust x9
- Fleshmad Steed x1
- Flurry of Horns x1
- Forest x74
- Forest x1
- Forge Devil x3
- Foundry Street Denizen x1
- Frilled Oculus x1
- Frost Lynx x5
- Fugitive Wizard x4
- Furnace Whelp x1
- Gargoyle Sentinel x1
- Gargoyle Sentinel x4
- Garruk’s Packleader x1
- Gather Courage x2
- Geist of the Moors x4
- Generator Servant x2
- Glacial Crasher x6
- Glimpse the Sun God x1
- Goblin Electromancer x1
- Goblin Roughrider x6
- Gods Willing x2
- Gravedigger x3
- Great Hart x1
- Grisly Salvage x1
- Guardians of Meletis x1
- Gutter Skulk x1
- Heat Ray x6
- Heliod’s Pilgrim x4
- Hoarding Dragon x3
- Hold at Bay x1
- Hopeful Eidolon x1
- Hornet Nest x1
- Hornet Queen x2
- Horror of the Dim x1
- Hunt the Weak x2
- Hunter’s Ambush x2
- Hunter’s Prowess x1
- Hydroform x1
- Hydrosurge x2
- Ill-Tempered Cyclops x1
- Illusory Angel x3
- Indulgent Tormentor x3
- Inferno Fist x2
- Inspired Charge x1
- Into the Void x7
- Invasive Species x4
- Invisibility x1
- Island x80
- Ivy Lane Denizen x1
- Izzet Cluestone x1
- Jace’s Ingenuity x1
- Jace’s Ingenuity x1
- Jelenn Sphinx x1
- Jorubai Murk Lurker x3
- Juggernaut x4
- Kapsho Kitefins x5
- Keepsake Gorgon x1
- Kinsbaile Skirmisher x5
- Kiora’s Follower x1
- Kird Chieftain x2
- Kragma Warcaller x1
- Krasis Incubation x1
- Krenko’s Enforcer x9
- Last Breath x1
- Lava Axe x7
- Life’s Legacy x2
- Lightning Strike x6
- Lightning Strike x2
- Living Totem x1
- Living Totem x8
- Loyal Pegasus x1
- Madcap Skills x1
- Magma Spray x1
- Mahamoti Djinn x1
- March of the Returned x1
- Marked by Honor x3
- Market Festival x1
- Marshmist Titan x1
- Mass Calcify x2
- Maze Glider x1
- Meditation Puzzle x4
- Mercurial Pretender x2
- Meteorite x3
- Midnight Guard x5
- Might Makes Right x3
- Military Intelligence x1
- Mind Rot x2
- Mind Sculpt x1
- Miner’s Bane x3
- Minotaur Skullcleaver x2
- Mizzium Skin x1
- Mountain x73
- Mountain x1
- Naturalize x6
- Necrobite x4
- Necromancer’s Assistant x5
- Necromancer’s Stockpile x1
- Negate x4
- Nessian Asp x1
- Netcaster Spider x1
- Nightfire Giant x5
- Nightmare x1
- Nimbus Naiad x2
- Nimbus of the Isles x3
- Nissa’s Expedition x2
- Nullify x2
- Nyxborn Triton x1
- Nyxborn Wolf x1
- Obelisk of Urd x1
- Omenspeaker x1
- Opaline Unicorn x1
- Oppressive Rays x1
- Oreskos Swiftclaw x1
- Oreskos Swiftclaw x6
- Ornithopter x6
- Overwhelm x2
- Palisade Giant x1
- Paragon of Fierce Defiance x1
- Paragon of New Dawns x1
- Paragon of Open Graves x1
- Peel from Reality x7
- Peregrination x1
- Pharika’s Cure x1
- Phytoburst x1
- Phytotitan x2
- Pillar of Light x3
- Pin to the Earth x1
- Plains x76
- Plummet x3
- Portent of Betrayal x1
- Profane Memento x5
- Prowler’s Helm x1
- Radiant Fountain x1
- Ragemonger x1
- Raise the Alarm x8
- Raised by Wolves x1
- Rakdos Cluestone x1
- Rakdos Ringleader x1
- Ranger’s Guile x1
- Razorfoot Griffin x3
- Read the Bones x1
- Ready // Willing x1
- Reclamation Sage x5
- Research Assistant x3
- Resolute Archangel x2
- Restock x4
- Restore the Peace x1
- Returned Centaur x1
- Revoke Existence x1
- Rise of Eagles x1
- Roaring Primadox x4
- Rogue’s Gloves x2
- Rollick of Abandon x1
- Rootborn Defenses x1
- Rotfeaster Maggot x1
- Rubblebelt Maaka x1
- Rummaging Goblin x5
- Runeclaw Bear x6
- Sacred Armory x3
- Sanctified Charge x3
- Saruli Gatekeepers x1
- Satyr Grovedancer x1
- Satyr Hedonist x1
- Satyr Wayfinder x2
- Satyr Wayfinder x6
- Scab-Clan Charger x1
- Scourge of Skola Vale x1
- Scrapyard Mongrel x6
- Searing Blood x1
- Seismic Strike x1
- Selfless Cathar x6
- Sengir Vampire x1
- Seraph of the Masses x7
- Serra Angel x1
- Servant of Tymaret x1
- Shadowcloak Vampire x4
- Shaman of Spring x8
- Shivan Dragon x1
- Shrapnel Blast x2
- Siege Dragon x4
- Siege Wurm x5
- Sign in Blood x10
- Skyknight Legionnaire x1
- Skyspear Cavalry x1
- Smelt-Ward Gatekeepers x1
- Solemn Offering x6
- Soul of Theros x1
- Soul of Zendikar x1
- Soulmender x6
- Spiteful Returned x1
- Stab Wound x3
- Staff of the Death Magus x2
- Staff of the Flame Magus x2
- Staff of the Mind Magus x2
- Staff of the Sun Magus x2
- Stain the Mind x1
- Statute of Denial x3
- Stoneshock Giant x1
- Stormtide Leviathan x2
- Sunblade Elf x5
- Sungrace Pegasus x5
- Swamp x75
- Swordwise Centaur x2
- Terra Stomper x1
- Thundering Giant x6
- Thunderous Might x1
- Time to Feed x2
- Tireless Missionaries x6
- Titanic Growth x6
- Torch Fiend x5
- Tormod’s Crypt x1
- Traveler’s Amulet x1
- Triplicate Spirits x7
- Turn to Frog x2
- Two-Headed Cerberus x2
- Typhoid Rats x7
- Tyrant’s Machine x5
- Ulcerate x4
- Undergrowth Scavenger x2
- Unmake the Graves x4
- Urban Burgeoning x1
- Vanguard of Brimaz x1
- Vaporkin x1
- Verdant Haven x2
- Viashino Shanktail x1
- Vineweft x2
- Voyage’s End x1
- Voyaging Satyr x1
- Walking Corpse x1
- Wall of Essence x3
- Wall of Fire x3
- Wall of Frost x5
- Wall of Limbs x8
- Wall of Mulch x3
- Wavecrash Triton x1
- Welkin Tern x7
- Wildfire Cerberus x1
- Will-Forged Golem x5
- Wingsteed Rider x1
- Witch’s Familiar x5
- Xathrid Slyblade x2
- Zof Shade x5