
There are multiple overlapping definitions of "community" relevant to this particular activity network. Most broadly, we can recognize Magic players of all archetypes who connect to play the game; this community overlaps considerably with the communities of fans of card games (collectible and conventional alike) and of fans of fantasy media. These communities have opportunities for convergence—whether at in-person game tournaments or conventions or on online forums—that facilitate sharing of more specific interest community values across their borders.
Construction of these fan communities as it relates to our (Kevin, Trevor, and Adam’s) own particular activity network is compounded further by our membership in certain academic communities based on scholarly interests—both in rhetoric and in game studies. Such communities may certainly approach Magic as an entirely different phenomenon than player communities do, situating the game as an object of study rather than a phenomenon or social engagement in which to involve oneself. (We also, of course, recognize that individuals may find themselves straddling multiple community memberships or identities at any given time.)