Commentary from the Editorial Board and Staff of Kairos
In these pages/screens, the people who work to publish Kairos
have the opportunity to discuss their ideas about electronic scholarship,
hypertext, design, and the vagaries of web-pased publishing. We hope you'll
join in the conversation ...
Kairos Interactive
Issue 2.1: Spring 1997
Defensio tabularum:
A Defense of Archiving Writing Created for Webbed Environments
Dene Grigar, Texas Woman's University
So Ya Wanna Be An Editorial Boarder ...?
How Webtexts Travel from Submission to Publication in Kairos (Sometimes)
Nick Carbone, University of Massachusetts and Marlboro State College
Frames in Action
Chapter 9 of How to Program HTML Frames: Interface Design and JavaScript Jason Teague, Kairos Production Manager
Changes in Kairos 2.1
A brief overview of some of the decisions made by and about the
Kairos team since we last published.
Contact Kairos