This textbook is an excellent addition to both an experienced rhetorician and the beginning student. For the experienced rhetorician this book may be a bit too basic and simplistic, but the graphic-novel approach to the material provides new perspectives to the material that can re-introduce the rhetoric scholar to the basics in expansive and inspirational ways. For the student new to writing and rhetoric, this book can be a nonthreatening resource for learning and growth. I could not see a full semester course built solely upon this book, but as a substantial part of a course, I could see this as a very useful pedagogical tool.
It is notable that an online resource for both teachers and students is under development as a companion to the textbook. The online resources will include videos, sample student works, additional information for each chapter in the book, tutorials and comic creation assistance. This cross media approach to provide learning materials reinforces the textbook, and demonstrates by example the messages Liz and Jonathan try to get across to their students. Unfortunately, at the time of the initial writing of this review, these resources were not live on the Bedford/St. Martin’s website. The resources were live as of the final edits of this article and include such topics as: “Questions for Debate and Writing,” “Video,” “Deleted and Revised Panels,” and more.