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Online Student Exchange

At NMMU, there is a concerted effort to explore the ways of expanding the Sharing Cultures Project, thinking about it specifically as “study abroad at home.” Because of South African financial constraints (the exchange rate is currently about six Rand to one American Dollar), actual student exchange is often cost prohibitive. As a result, the university seeks ways to provide students with the opportunity to develop transcultural understanding through online contact. Specifically, there is an effort to connect the nursing program at NMMU with a program at a school other than CCC, which has no such program. The objective of such an interaction would be to promote discussion of health issues focusing on cultural difference. In other words, the idea would be to increase knowledge about beliefs and cultural dealing with disease and not just medical fact and treatment.

Rather than seeing this project as something that must remain insular, limited to its place of origin, the Sharing Cultures Project allows for the possible translation to other disciplinary areas. This translation means there is revolutionary potential at the institutional, as well as student, level.

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