Bolter, Jay David. "Alone and Together in the Electronic Bazarre." Computers and Composition, 10:2. April 1993. 5-18. To place cited.
Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. Thomas Nelson and Sons: London, Edinburgh, and New York. 1905.To place cited.
Johnson-Eilola, Johndan. "Structure & Text: Writing Space & STORYSPACE." Computers and Composition, 9:2. April 1992. 95-129. To place cited in review.
Kaplan, N. (1991). Ideology, technology, and the future of writing instruction. In G.E. Hawisher & C.L. Selfe. (Eds.), Evolving perspectives on computers and composition studies: Questions for the 1990s (p. 11-42). Houghton, MI/Urbana, IL: Computers and Composition Press/National Council of Teachers of English, cited in Johnson-Eilola. To place in review cite is used