The theme for the 1996 convention is "Communication: Taking the Helm." As the field of communication and the Speech Communication Association move through the last years of the 20th century and toward the 21st, it is clear that the discipline is not only on the move but taking leadership in a variety of intellectual spheres. Theories emanating from our research and the scholarship apparent in our pedagogy and other forms of application position the field for leadership in the humanities, social sciences, and other professional activities. A society formed and preserved by communication demands that communication professionals plot the course. Thus, "Taking the Helm" will be a convention celebrating communication research and scholarship in all of its forms and contexts. The theme invokes a number of program and paper possibilities for all Association units. Programs may celebrate past or current scholarly works, pedagogical or professional achievements, focus on goals and objectives, or highlight current trends. The theme also invites analyses of contributions the field could or should make in the future.
Kairos 1.1 (Spring 1996): News