Papers, programs, forums, workshops, courses, and other creative programs that emphasize the convention theme are welcome. Convention theme proposals can be submitted to any of the 1996 convention planners listed below. If a convention theme proposal is to be submitted for sponsorship by the SCA First Vice President, it should be submitted to the Dimension Series Coordinator identified below.

Beyond the convention theme, other submissions relevant to the interests of SCA members are, of course, also welcome. Send submissions to the unit or special program planners listed below.

The Convention Paper Center is a centralized location for all convention papers presented at the 1996 SCA convention. In the event that convention participants are unable to attend a program or secure a copy of papers at a specific program, the papers (by the last name of the first author) will be available at the Convention Paper Center. To prevent a "run" on all papers, a small fee of 50 cents to $1 will be charged by SCA (which also covers the cost of maintaining the room). Details regarding the Convention Paper Center will be published later.

POSTER SESSIONS. Poster sessions provide an opportunity for the author of a convention paper to interact face-to-face with other scholars who have a direct interest in the author's paper. Approximately 10 percent of the programs submitted for the 1996 SCA convention will be scheduled as poster sessions. This will not apply to units with five or fewer programs in competition with poster sessions. The program planner for each SCA unit will select the programs to be scheduled as poster sessions. A program is most likely to be designated as a poster session if the description, rationale, and structure of the program proposal does not formally provide for interaction among panelists and audience members. Before attending the convention, authors involved in poster sessions should prepare a poster board for their sessions. Depending upon the author's purpose, topic, method of analysis, and results, the "contents" of the poster board can vary tremendously. Generally, a poster provides a brief summary of major ideas included in a paper, a table of significant findings provided in the paper, and/or implications and ideas for future research which can be derived from the paper which the author would like to discuss with others. At the poster session, the author of the paper may elect to provide a brief oral summary of the paper, but the majority of time should be devoted to conversation

SUBMISSION DEADLINE. Any member of SCA may submit a paper or program proposal. All papers or program proposals must be received by one of the appropriate planners listed below by the date specified--either February 1 or 15, 1996.

AUDIOVISUAL RESTRICTIONS. Audiovisual equipment is expensive, and participants are encouraged to keep their needs to a minimum. Requests must accompany proposals and must meet published deadlines, usually the same as the deadline for the program proposal. The only supported video format will be one-half inch VHS. SCA policy statements on convention audiovisual equipment can be secured from the SCA National Office, 5105 Backlick Road, Building F, Annandale, Virginia 22003 or by telephoning 703-750-0533; the statements also appear with the call for papers.

AUTHORSHIP ETHICS. Whenever an item is submitted for a convention panel or program, the author must give credit to those who were involved in the creation of the product in a direct or substantive way. Acknowledgement of assistance, including that of graduate students, should be made. Where materials have been presented at a previous convention or in some other public setting, this fact should be made known to the planner at the time a decision is being made as to whether to schedule the presentation. In order to create the widest possible range of invited papers, organizers of each series, division, section, etc. have been asked, within their jurisdiction, not to accept more than one paper from any person. Although chairing or responding for a program does not count as such participation, members are asked to limit their acceptance of such invitations to spread participation as widely as we can. Convention presentations should also be made in the spirit of SCA's Affirmative Action Statement.

SERIES AND SPECIAL PROGRAMS. Consulting Roundtable: Ideas & Issues (A New Series) This series will bring together individuals interested in exploring the practical, academic, and ethical issues of consulting. Issues to be considered include, but are not limited to, (1) consulting as an enterprise, (2) consulting as an academic endeavor, (3) consulting and tenure consideration, (4) consulting as research, (5) ethical issues, (6) SCA's role in consulting referral, (7) gaining and keeping clients, (8) the University as agent (should the university receive a fee?), and (9) what does a communication consultant actually do anyway?

Proposals for programs, sessions, topics, debates, and/or speakers should be submitted to Linda McCallister, University of Texas-Pan American, College of Business Administration, Edinburg, Texas 78539; 210-384-5087; fax 210-381-3312; Four copies of proposals must be received by February 1, 1996.


Kairos 1.1 (Spring 1996): News