Situated Story


The following story is fictional and was created in order to situate the reader:

Jerome is a college freshman who is enrolled in his first semester of writing composition.  As an African-American student who came from a predominantly black high school in a predominantly black neighborhood and school district, he had limited access to computer use at school and did not have a word processor at home.  There were only three computers in the entire school, and all three were located in the library and could only be used for on-line catalog research.  One alternative was a trip to the local library.  Unfortunately the cost to use a computer was $5 an hour, and the computers were very slow. Jerome and many of his friends were not able to afford the cost of research with a computer.  Hence, the only access to technology that they had on a regular basis was a Sony PlayStation video game.

Jerome and many of his friends did not think that non-accessibility to computers would hinder their college course work.  Jerome was shocked to discover that the majority of his classes required papers to be typed on a computer or word processor and was even more baffled when he walked into his computer-assisted first year composition course. It did not help that Jerome did not consider himself to be a great writer and that he was a first-generation student (i.e. neither of his parents or other family members attended college).  He did not write many papers in high school but had passed the writing proficiency exam because he had not made any grammatical errors.

Today Jerome would be defined as the typical at-risk student. However, because Jerome considers himself to be a game wizard and a master storyteller, he is able to construct stories in video games and is able to tell his friends about these stories later in casual conversation. If Jerome is able to construct stories in video games, he should be able to construct stories when writing narratives in his first year composition course.

Abstract | Situated Story | The Narrative in First-Year Composition | Rationale for Teaching the Narrative | Why this Teaching Strategy Does Not Work | Why Use Video Games | Connecting Video Games & Narratives | Suggested Teaching Strategies | Conclusion | References

Connecting Video Games and Storytelling to Teach Narratives In First-Year Composition
Zoevera Ann Jackson