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Similarly, the needs of the hearing are not fully comprehended by the deaf or hard of hearing - as in when I describe my own use of hearing metaphors in my pedagogical interactions with students. Lyotard describes other common differends: between men and women, between labor and management, between children and parents, crime victims and agents of the law, between race/culture groups, between classes. Complicated by a literal language gap, stretch the definition to include the communication gap between the hearing and the deaf. Davis calls it the "deafened moment." This moment demands creative intervention in order to create new language to lead to new opportunities for communication. Indeed, it is this inability to communicate in the deafened moment that lead to the development of signed languages, representing both technical and rhetorical invention as a means to extend the capacity of human communication.

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deaf:audist | hearing pedagogy | enfi | techno-teaching
city on the hill | "othered" outside
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