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Call for Hypertexts

Fall, 1999 |

Kairos  is a hypertext journal exploring all aspects of the pedagogical and scholarly uses of hypertext, written in hypertextual format(s). It is designed to serve as a resource for teachers, researchers, and tutors of writing, including: Technical Writing, Business Writing, Professional Communication, Creative Writing, Composition, Literature and a wide variety of humanities-based scholarship.

The Coverweb project is a multi-vocal, multi-linear hypertext collaboratively written and reviewed for each issue of the journal.

Please visit our homesite [http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/] to explore previous Coverwebs, examining OWLs; MOOs & MUDs in education; Technology & Tenure; Gender & Electronic Communication; and Intellectual Property.

Proposals are sought for future Coverweb topics and CoverWeb Coordinators.

Address questions and inquiries to CoverWeb Editor Douglas Eyman at: eymand@wilmington.net

vol. 4 Iss. 1 Fall 1999