For this reason, in this webtext, we make purposeful, interdisciplinary connections between visualization (broadly conceived) and translation, showcasing how rhetoric and composition, technical communication, and digital humanities connect language fluidity and visualization for a variety of purposes, including intercultural communication, multilingual and multimodal composing, and computational visualization. As a result, scholarship across fields has focused on ethical representations within visual products and the ethics of process and production of those visualizations.

Applying a translation moments framework to data visualization

Although the fields of writing studies and technical communication have recognized the importance of translation in both classroom and professional contexts to some degree, we argue that framing data visualization with translation research can expand the ways in which our fields understand, recognize, and value the work of multilingual communicators as critical to contemporary writing and design practices. As we demonstrate throughout this webtext, visualization is a part of translation, as evidenced particularly through translators' multimodal and multilingual composing processes. As a method, tool, and practice, data visualization allows researchers to see macro-level patterns and holes in large data sets across time, place, processes, relationships, and distributions. Central to our process is an understanding of data visualization framed by translation. Specifically, we argue that data visualization encompasses many messy, socially situated processes that involve interactive products built upon numerical datasets, but are also dependent on complex interpretive performances (translating, "imagining audiences"), and iterative composing (prototyping; wireframing; creating mockups) affected by power-laden relationships. Understanding the processes of production embedded in data visualization can help researchers see the consequences of simplifying and expanding data points to fit into visual presentations and representations. These consequences are of particular importance when visualization is applied to cultural–rhetorical work-like translation.