You have now entered cyberspace. A new world where nothing is as it seems.
The odd thing about this abstract space is its hollowness. Getting your barring is almost impossible. It is like being on a raft in the middle of the ocean with no moon at night or sun during the day to guide you. How do you know which way to go? There is no point of reference, no beginning or end. There is a lot of faith put into the links that may guide you to your goal. How can one trust this flow of information?
Is there any order in how you read? Conventional methods say from right to left, from top to bottom, but is this true in cyberspace? If you can't even follow a linear line of thought, why should the words themselves be linear. One of the scariest aspects of the web is that you may never find an answer to your questions. Imagine coming close to what you were seeking, then be distracted and going off on another tangent. Doctors have even declared that using this medium can become addictive. Zombies glued to the millions of pixels flashing across the screen as they ride the wave of information. Is this our fate?