Imagine a world where you could do anything. Where the consequences of your actions did not matter. You could rob a bank and not get caught. You could meet the person of your dreams then leave them just for the hell of it. You could even fly!

If this seems impossible you are wrong. All of these experiences may be possible one day with the help of virtual reality. Virtual reality is a computer simulated world. Most programs today require the use of a suit and goggles which allow the user to see a virtual self. Currently, only the visual senses are used, but there has been some experimentation with the sense of touch. It seems quite feasible that one day, all of the senses may be incorporated into the programming. If this is ever done will we lose our sense of reality? If a virtual world is better than the one we live in, it could become addictive. Drugs are often used as a means to escape reality. Virtual reality offers this in a more literal form. Could VR engulf people, some doctors believe that the internet already does this, and it does not even affect the senses. This seems to be a moral de lemma that may be overlooked in the whole process. Although it is still very primitive, VR truly offers a door to new worlds. Most VR programs today are games and learning tools, but many avenues have yet to be explored. Current programs exist on the internet. They tend to be very simplistic, but they do give the essence of being virtually in a place with other people. One of the best examples of this is the MOO. It allows people to come together and share virtual time. Discussion and actions are displayed by typing them in on the keyboard. Internet forms of VR have even expanded to communities and cities. It appears that Gibson's vision of cyberspace may one day become a reality.