Fanning the Flames:
Tenure and Promotion and Other Role-Playing Games

Janice R. Walker

University of South Florida

The Last Page

If I have been at all successful, you have been well and truly lost, or, at the very least, a little confused! To make certain, however, that you haven't missed anything, and because I, too, am from a print-based world that demands a certain amount of closure, I am bowing to the past, and listing all of the URLs that are a part of this hypertext. Of course, if you didn't find this URL, then you're not here, and you don't know if you've read them all or not. . . .

Introduction Computers and Writing and Value
The Carnivalesque--Circuses and MOO Reading This Part of the Text
The URL Room Tenure and Promotion and Other Role-Playing Games
Conclusion Notes
Works Cited "Evaluating Computer-Related Work in the Modern Languages: Draft Guidelines Prepared by the MLA Committee on Computers and Emerging Technologies in Teaching and Research."
"One Department's Guidelines for Evaluating Computer-Related Work" by Seth R. Katz Rhetnet
The Fancy Duck Cafe "Jester's Moon"
Project Gutenberg Kiwi's Toes by Barry Thomson. Animation by Janice R. Walker
"The Back Button" by Barry Thomson National Library of Australia
"CyberProperty: Copyright, Citation, and the World Wide Web" by Janice R. Walker Agrippa: A Book of the Dead
Jester's Log, 11/25/96 DaMOO
Argos "To Tenure or Not to Tenure: Legitimate publication & the Web," CoverWeb Proposal by David Gillette
"Kiwi (#164)" Pedagogies in Virtual Spaces: Writing Classes in the MOO
"Not So Quietly" "Silence"
"CoverWeb? Adding Multiple Authorship to Multi-linearity" by Michael J. Salvo Connect to DaMOO
Chicken Page "Jesters Get Serious" by Janet Cross and Kristian Fuglevik


©J. Walker, 1997.
Last modified 21 February 1997.