Epiphany Summer Institutes

More than thirty Epiphany sites around the nation are studying and disseminating information about computers and writing. Many sites sent entire teams to the summer institutes, and several of those participants contributed their thoughts and opinions to this review.

Through hands-on workshops and vigorous discussion, participants in the institutes read print resources, learned effective uses of technology, and pushed the limits of their community knowledge in ways that are expected to aid them in continuing Epiphany's objectives at their own sites.

A recurring theme in both New Jersey and Virginia was the friendships formed among the otherwise far-flung participants--friendships and professional collaborations that continue today, with planned conference presentations and publications already arising. Institute participants are listed here with their email addresses as contacts for Epiphany activities at their sites.

Newark Institute Participants

California Super-Site Ohio Pennsylvania Super-Site
NY-NJ Super-Site
Wisconsin Super-Site

Richmond Institute Participants

Alaska Alabama Site California Super-Site
Kentucky Super-Site Michigan Super-Site Ohio Site
Illinois Site Maine Site NY-NJ Super-Site
Mid-Atlantic Super-Site
Missouri Site Pennsylvania Super-Site Wisconsin Super-Site

Formats Themes Leaders People

Comments on this page to: Claudine Keenan