Private Owner Pages

Private Owner Pages

The second type of sites students discover are privately managed sites which include material alarmingly similar to those of the corporate pages. Individuals utilize their web space (a space that they usually pay for, either directly or indirectly) to archive, organize, and host even more information about the shows than the corporate pages. Nowhere are the pages more complete in their informational coverage than those that highlight Friends. The amount of coverage about Friends on the NBC page pales in comparison to most of the privately owned sites about the show. Of the approximately 70 web page hits listed in Yahoo's index for Friends currently, three are anti-pages, two are ads for products or contests related to Friends and one is the corporate site by NBC. The rest were private web pages.

In all, students will gain little critical insight from any of personal web pages about Friends. Most of what is available reinscribes the success and commodification of the show. Personal web pages for Friends are even more extreme versions of advertising for the show than the corporate page. The NBC page is modest in its portrayal compared to the incredible hype the show receives, free of charge, from all of these web pages. Personal web page present the most direct examples of cultural discourse, but at the same time, they are also direct evidence of commodification and hegemony in the American cultural experience.

Yahoo's Friends Index

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