Corporate Pages

Corporate Pages

The first type of research sites consists of network home pages which contain graphics, merchandise and memorabilia about television shows, but in a glossy, stylized manner. Like those of all corporate home pages, these carry the corporate network logo prominently and usually highlight cast members with bios, character descriptions and promotional pictures. These pages are no surprise. Many large companies, especially those in telecommunications (the group with the largest percentage of representation), have home pages with information about their products and services, promotional slogans and pictures and ways to contact national and local representatives. Although the NBC corporate pages are fairly traditional, other corporations like networkMCI and Coca-Cola include narrative aspects and interactive programs and links. Even more than the NBC page, which is an obvious example of the commodification of entertainment, the networkMCI and Coca-Cola pages reflect the blurring line between advertising and narrative.

NBC's Friends Coca-Cola networkMCI's 
Gramercy Press NBC

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