What Matters Who Writes? What Matters Who Responds?

Andrea Lunsford, Rebecca Rickly, Michael Salvo, and Susan West

I would like to acknowledge the contribution Susan West has made to this project. I have, over the last few months, become aware of Kairos  as the product of many individuals' work collaboratively stitched together over network links. Susan contributed hours of critique and analysis, becoming a contributing writer. Each contributor to this web was forced to constantly consider the very questions raised throughout the text. "Whose words are these?"  we would ask of each other (as the reader might ask as well). Eventually, it did not matter. We each hesitated, at different moments, to add text or make changes until we each felt comfortable in the multifaceted role of active contributor, editor, and coach -- which challenged our roles as constructed by classic analog print writing relationships. Susan started working in Ohio with me while coding was done in New York, North Carolina, Indiana, and Texas.

Susan is currently finishing her dissertation,"From Owning to Owning Up: 'Authorial' Rights and Rhetorical Responsibilities,"  at The Ohio State University under the direction of Andrea Lunsford.


Postmodern (un)grounding * Collaboration * Copy(w)right/Ownership * Possible Futures

Title Page * Conclusions