What Matters Who Writes? What Matters Who Responds?

Andrea Lunsford, Rebecca Rickly, Michael Salvo, and Susan West

I've been harping on what I take to be an unhealthy obsession with plagiarism for a long time now, mostly because of my work on and interest in collaboration. So I was delighted to hear that Rebecca Howard's book on the subject will be out before long. For my part, I have had a lot of difficulty in trying to craft a discussion of plagiarism for the St. Martin's Handbook  that would be true to my own understanding of how texts get created while meeting the needs of students for guidance and the demands of teachers insistent on viewing plagiarism as akin to devil worship. A hard row to hoe, as my granny would say.

Postmodern (un)grounding * Collaboration * Copy(w)right/Ownership * Possible Futures

Title Page * Conclusions