(pronounced "ee-SO-pus," an American-Indian tribe)

The Slabsides Centennial Celebration

John Burroughs' cabin Slabsides still stands in West Park, NY, a hamlet that is now part of the Town of Esopus. Volunteers are organizing events to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Slabsides' completion in 1895.

Esopus...Naturally headquarters:

  • 184 Broadway, Port Ewen, NY 12466
  • Phone: 914-331-2351
  • Fax: 914-331-2679
  • Email: publica@mhv.net
  • This site's Sysop: wcarroll@mhv.net
  • This site: http://www1.mhv.net/~omi/toe.htm
  • On-going
    October 6th (Friday), October 7th (Saturday), and October 8th (Sunday)

    Crysanthemum Walk through Port Ewen. Enjoy the mums on display along Broadway and at many of our loveliest homes.
    Drive-by Auto-or-Bicycle Tour of the Town of Esopus. See our Historic 18th-Century stone houses and equally historic 19th century homes admidst our Fall folliage--a Leaf-Peepers delight!. Pick up a free map at the Esopus...Naturally headquarters.
    Artist's Walk. Visit our Art Galleries highlighting local and regional artists at various businesses throughout Port Ewen.
    Harvest Pickin'. Get some apples straight off the tree or grab a bag at our local farm markets. And while you're here, pick out a pumpkin for Halloween. We have everything from farm and orchard tours to painted pumpkins. Just stop and say "howdy" and join the fun.
    Town of Esopus Public Library. Visit a beautifully mounted exhibit about John Burroughs. Community Room, second floor. Browse the "Get to know John Burroughs" Internet Site and the electronic book "Nature Meditations from the Essays of John Burroughs" on the library's state-of-the-art computer. The manager of this Internet site will be there (in person) between 2 P.M. and 3 P.M. on Saturday, October 7th, to answer questions visitors may have about how this site was created and is maintained.
    Klyne Esopus Museum. Full of information about Town of Esopus, John Burroughs, and other notable figures of this region. Indian Artifacts. Located in Ulster Park in the Old Dutch Church on the west side of Rt. 9W. 1 P.M. to 4 P.M. daily. Sue Boice, Director. 914-338-8109

    Friday, October 6th

    12:00 P.M.
    Festival Welcome, the official inauguration of Esopus...Naturally, will be held at the Beach Pavilion in Port Ewen. All are invited to attend. The featured speaker is Alf Evers, renowned Catskill author and historian.

    12:30 P.M. to 1:30 P.M.
    River Trail Walk and Talk, Mt. St. Alphonsus Retreat House, 9W, West Park. Father Eugene Grohe will host a guided trail walk along the Hudson River at "The Mount" and discuss the River Trail.

    1:30 P.M. to 2:30 P.M.
    Inspirational Walk and Talk on Hussey's Mountain. Enjoy spectacular views of the Hudson River to the East and the Catskill Mountain Range to the Northwest, plus a unique opportunity to look "down" at the charming Town of Esopus. Hosted by the Hutterian Pleasant View Bruderhoff. Gather at the intersection of Hellbrook Lane and Union Center Road, Ulster Park.

    1:00 P.M. to 5 P.M.
    West Park Wineries. Take a look at a historic barn complete with a John Burroughs wine barrel. Bring your lunch and picnic on the hillside.
    4 P.M. till Witching Hour
    Haunted House and Spooktacular Hayrides. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow lives and rides again at "Headless Horseman Hayrides" on 9W. Visit the hair-raising Haunted House...or hitch a hayride. Both guaranteed fun, found only in Esopus...Naturally.

    5:00 P.M. to 6:30 P.M.
    Special Boat Tour of Esopus Lighthouse Call the Teal at 914-339-1050 for tickets.

    7:00 P.M.

    Lectures at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY. Frank Bergon will present a slide-talk, "The Double Vision of John Burroughs." Bill McGibben will lecture on "The Double Vision of John Burroughs." Sanders Auditorium.

    October 7th (Saturday)

    10:00 A.M.
    Rededication of John Burroughs' cabin Slabsides, a National Historic Site in West Park, NY. Directions
    • 10 A.M., Welcome, Jack Padalino, President, The John Burroughs Association and various speakers
    • 12 Noon, Stamp Cancellation Station: a special handstamp with a drawing of Slabsides. Envelopes and stamps available. Josephine Zunno, West Park's Postmaster.
    • Bring your own picnic lunch
    • 12:30, "Songs of Nature: Readings from the Nature Poetry of John Burroughs" by Richard Parisio, Naturalist, NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation
    • 1 P.M., Guided trail walks, various leaders
    • 2 P.M., Reception at Pond House. Light refreshments courtesy of the DePuy Canal House Restaurant (****), High Falls, NY. Films of John Burroughs presented by Conservator Bill Urbin.

    10:00 A.M. to 3 P.M.
    Town of Esopus Public Library Booksale on its lovely front lawn.

    10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
    El Paso Winery Fiesta, 9W,West Park. Get the flavor of south of the border. Arts and crafts, food and wine.
    10:00 A.M. to 5 P.M.
    Flea Market, Town of Esopus Lions Club, off 9W, Port Ewen.
    12:30 P.M.
    Sidewalk Art Show, featuring local and area artists and craftspersons, Broadway, Port Ewen.
    12:30 A.M. to 5 P.M.
    "Esopus....Naturally" Festival Events, at Ross Park on Boone Street, off 9W, Port Ewen.
  • Musical treats provided by Strawberry Hill Srings. Students will fiddle their way into your hearts with their amazing Suzuki Violins.
  • Other entertainment provided by WDST Radio Woodstock, which will be broadcasting live from the Park.
  • Educational demonstrations, including Rusty Johnson and his famous Animals That Prey.
  • Antique farm implements, from the Century Museum Collection. Tools and tractors used in the 19th and early 20th century.
  • Native American Indian arts and crafts from the Iroquois Art Festival.
  • Souvenirs of the Slabsides Centennial [impulse shopping]
  • John Burro Rides for the kids [tickets available].
  • 2 P.M. to 5 P.M.
    Horse Carriage Rides. Take an old-fashioned carriage ride through Town on the "Omnibus." Frank Castella's award-winning Percheon draft horses will carry your whole family on a scenic and fun trip. [tickets available].
    2:00 .M. to 3 P.M.
    Internet Demonstration, by Walt Carroll, Compiler of this John Burroughs Internet Site and Editor of Nature Meditations from the Essays of John Burroughs, an electronic book. Community Room, second floor, Town of Esopus Public Library, Port Ewen.
    4:30 P.M.
    Panel Discussion, "The Current State of Nature Writing", sponsored by the Department of English and the Hudson Valley Study Center, SUNY--New Paltz. Moderator: H. R. Stoneback, Professor of English, with Gale Lawrence ("The Beginning Naturalist"), Bill McKibben ("The End of Nature"), Tom Horton ("Bay Country"), Ed Kanze ("The World of John Burroughs"), H. Daniel Peck ("Thoreaur's Morning Work"), and Edward Hoagland ("The Courage of Turtles").

    Sunday, October 8th

    All Day
    Trail Walks, Bird Watching, The John Burroughs Nature Sanctuary, West Park, NY.
  • 10:00 A.M., Fly Fishing Demonstration led by L. L. Bean Experts. Learn the arts of fly tying and fishing. Meet at Pond House in the John Burroughs Nature Sanctuary. Bring your gear, or come to just watch.

  • 10:00 A.M.
    Bird Watching and Hike at Esopus Meadows, including tour of adjacent environmental center operated by Clearwater. Led by Lyn Fagan, member of Scenic Hudson at Mohonk Preserve. Space limited to 20. Meet at Esopus Meadows Environmental Center on River Road, off Rt. 9W in Esopus.

    9:00 A.M. to 4 P.M.
    Hawk Watching at Mohonk Preserve with Seldon Spencer, noted ornithologist. Watch these magnificent birds soar on air currents at this migratory stop off. Bring lunch and gear. Meet (before) 9:00 A.M. at the iron bridge on route 44/55 after the hairpin turn or come at anytime until 3 P.M. and take the Blue Trail (follow sign) for about 1/4 mile (steep, 5-15 minutes) to the Hawk Watch site. ($5 Mohonk Preserve day pass)

    10:30 A.M.
    Trail Walk and Talk, on Slide Mountain (one of the highest in the Catskills (elev. 4,000 ft.) and a favorite of John Burroughs. Leader: Robert Titus, geologist, visiting from Hartwick College. Meet at the parking lot at the western trail head, Route 47 off Route 28. Bring lunch and proper attire. [Hmm...like warm clothes?--Ed.]

    12:30 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
    Esopus...Naturally continues at the George Freer Beach Pavilion, Canal and Hoyt Streets, Port Ewen, NY. The site has changed, but the fun continues, naturally.
  • The Century Museum's old farm implements and collections that still work, just as in the good olds days.
  • Arts and Crafts. See how pottery and leather making are done. Local products and toys for the kids made by the Hutterian Brudderoff. Plenty to see and enjoy.
  • "Johnny Burro" Rides for the kids (tickets)
  • Rusty Johnson's "Animals That Prey" (live educational demonstration).
  • Sponsors

  • Adams Fairacre Farms
  • Dyno Nobel
  • Fleet Bank
  • M&S Chevrolet
  • North River Cruises
  • Nynex
  • Spinnenweber
  • Saturn of Poughkeepsie
  • TCI of New York
  • WDST Radio Woodstock
  • Winding Brook Acres
  • WRWD Radio Hudson Valley County


    • The Apple Bin
    • Walt Carroll
    • Richard Frisbie
    • Frog Hollow Farm
    • Miron
    • Mountain View Gardens
    • Signs & Designs
    • William Fencing

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